Someone, She Understood

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To the princess, Cassandan did not seem like a woman who would make small talk to anyone, and it felt more comfortable to her that way. She had always wanted at least one person who would let her do whatever she desired without any questions, and the very one person was Cassandan. Though she'd find the musician waiting for her every time she'd entered the premises of the music court, Cassandan always acted as if she didn't care.

But that particular day, the princess couldn't resist asking a question before sneaking out to the city. A question that had been occupying her mind lately.

Just because Cassandan seemed like a woman with lots of experience.

"Cassandan, what makes the men of the greatest will and honor break their resolve?"

"Greed and lust," Cassandan answered quickly. Too quick. It was almost as if this was the most obvious question someone had ever asked her and then she looked away as if she didn't want to discuss on the topic anymore.

Inara sensed the dryness in her tone. It seemed like Cassandan had some bad past related to this matter.


"You still haven't told me if you're helping me or not," Her prying eyes searched for a reaction other than nonchalance in his face, as she posed the question to him.

"I'm willing to go to any end with you as long as you keep my purse satisfied, azizam. As for my friends, you'll have to gain their alliance by yourself." Kais spoke, strolling along with her in a carefree gait.

Inara nodded, still not gratified. This man spoke as if usurping the throne isn't a big deal to him. Or was he still taking it lightly because she wasn't much convincing? She sighed.

Smooth laughter rolled in her ears, and she looked up to find him chuckling at her.

"What?" she asked, irked to no point.

"You sigh like an old lady." Her murderous squint of eyes only added fuel to his amusement. "Alright, alright, enough jokes. Tell me, what is your next plan?"

"I want slaves, from the slave market. All of them."

Behind them, Aydin's torse went stiff, which didn't go unnoticed by the mercenary prince.

He smirked, "you sure have an affinity towards the slaves."

Inara also peeped over her shoulder to gauze Aydin's reaction. Her eyes softened as Aydin stared back at her with an unfathomable question in his eyes.

She broke the stare, looking at the front again, "it's not about affinity. I want slaves for my benefit."

"Is that why you took all that treasure?"

"That, and for other reasons too."

Kais shook his head in disagreement, "if you're planning to make an army out of those slaves then let me tell you, it's a bad idea."

"I don't plan on making an army and if I ever want one, I'll ask it from you." She countered straight.

Kais realized that this wasn't the discussion they should be having in low voices and the middle of a street anymore. "Where are you taking me anyway?" he changed the topic.

"To the brothel." for some reason, she avoided meeting eyes with him.

At this, Kais' lips curled up flirtatiously, "this was sure a stimulating conversation to have when you're taking a man to the brothel."

"Shut up!" she smacked his arm. "I'm only taking you because I want to meet Leila, and I might not get to meet her if you're not there with me."

"Really? Why do you want to see her?"

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