Obstinacy [unedited]

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It was going to be a long day for commander Ascian as it was the day of recruiting new lads in the imperial army and even though he could have appointed any of his subordinates to do the job, he always chose to do it himself. He could not afford any causalities, any mistakes when it comes to his army, a quality he inherited from his late father and quality that increased his respect in the eyes of his people.

It wasn't an easy job for a young boy to rise to such a powerful and influential position, especially when he had mixed blood flowing through his veins. He had his share of brutal, torturous days, he still has, but what he gained was authority. The authority over the ones who looked down upon him, the ones who used to be more powerful than him, and even the ones who were superior to him in age, status and wealth.

Ascian's eyes fell upon a young Parthian boy being laughed upon by other soldiers. The boy was probably shunned away after losing combat with a Dahae tribesman who was twice as big as him. Just when the boy was about to leave with his head hung down in shame, Ascian stopped him in his track.

"Gave up already?"

"What else can I do? He is far stronger and bigger than me. I'm clearly at a disadvantage which nobody else here can see," rudely, the Parthian replied, without glancing at the person who asked him the question.

"Take a look at your opponent."

The boy looked up and gaped in horror to find the commander himself standing before him. "Forgive this imbecile for the insolence, my lord."

"I said take a look at your opponent," Ascian repeated, not heeding to any useless pleasantries.

Timidly the Parthian raised his head, staring at the Dahae man still growling in the arena.

"Now tell me, what do you see?" Commander asked again.

The Parthian boy watched the Dahae taking down yet another fine-built man with a single blow. "I'd no chance against him. He is merciless in the arena as always."

"Look for his weakness," came the commander's curt voice from behind.

The boy observed once again, following the commander's instruction, and this time it took him not long enough to grasp the point. "He... his blows are deadly but he can't stand it for long. His power wears him off just like a cheetah can't chase his prey for long even though he runs at top speed. Their power is their weakness... because it is exhausting and demand a lot of energy."

Ascian smirked, he already saw it coming the moment his eyes caught the boy sneaking stealthily inside the recruitment camp, even when he didn't meet the age requirements. The Parthian boy lacked in strength but not in wits.

"You know what to do now." Ascian said, crossing his arms across his chest, ready to watch the show. "it's now or never. Become a victor today or go back home with your shamefully defeated face."

The Parthian boy gulped, giving the idea a thought. Maybe the commander is right...maybe I still have the chance against Dahae. Moreover, I need a stable job right now.


A roar of laughter burst out in the arena when the Parthian boy made his comeback. Everyone started calling names and jeered him to run away like a scared rat. But the boy knew what to do this time.

"I demand another round with the Dahae," he shouted loudly enough to be heard by everyone present in the arena.

Another bark of jittering followed his announcement. "Go away, lad. This place is for men, not for mama's boys like you," someone taunted from the crowd.

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