Cap knew what she could do.

They needed her here. 

Stargirl ended a potentially world ending threat entirety on her own before the League could arrive. Yet Billy's heart screamed for her safety.

Steeling himself, he tapped into Solomon's wisdom. That machine in front of them was extracting minute fragments of the anti life equation from the captives' brains for Darkseid.

Scott, disable the machine. I'll free the captives, his eyes darted at the War Hounds and Parademons closing in on them. 

Stars. Barda. Cover Scott.

Then he was off. The cylinders disappearing in a red blur.

War Hounds and Parademons charged at the trio.

Both feet planted firmly on the ground, her back facing Scott, Barda wielded her mega rod against the charging War hounds, destroying its leg as it tried to stomp her husband. 

Stars hurled shooting stars at the incoming Parademons driving most of them off.

One dodged her stars and struck her down.


Billy's heart lurched as Cap froze.

Pink lightning threw Cap against the metal wall.

Vibranium. Solomon's wisdom provided.

Canary! Blast through the wall.

Flashes, evacuate the prisoners.

Cap barked out orders through the mind link even as an electrified pink fist struck his jaw.

It was Johnny's Thunderbolt. The anti-life equation fragments Darkseid had pieced together held him in thrall.

"Thunderbolt. Yz. It's me," Cap held out his hands placatingly.

Another pink fist swung at him.

Cap ducked.

"I don't want to fight you. I know the despair, pain and isolation you're feeling."

Another electrified fist aimed for his cheek.

He dodged swiftly holding Thunderbolt in a headlock.

"Foolish one." A deep, dark growl came out from Thunderbolt's mouth. A voice unlike Thunderbolt's usual jovial tone.

"I know you're in there, Yz. Fight it," Cap spoke warmly. Firmly.

Thunderbolt kicked The Captain with his magic lightning.

A raven haired boy plummeted in the place of the World's Mightiest Mortal.


Stargirl abandoned her opponent.

Soaring on her cosmic rod, she caught him.

"My hero." Billy nuzzled playfully in her arms, breathing in her scent. 

"Now's not the time Romeo," she chided, her pretty blue eyes on fire.

"For Darkseid!" Thunderbolt shot lightning at the pair. 

Stargirl wove her way around the lightning strikes.

Billy leaped off Stargirl's rod.


The Captain's fist sent Thunderbolt flying.

"Yz, you got to break out of Darkseid's control," Captain Marvel hovered in front of the Thunderbolt. He really did not want to hurt his old friend.

He had to stall. At least long enough for Superman to return from his mission.

"Archibald," a warm yet electrifying female voice spoke up.

A female pink thunderbolt hovered beside Superman a few feet from Thunderbolt.

"Mildred?" Tears streamed down the Thunderbolt's eyes as he turned around. "Help me."

A female pink thunderbolt, Yz's beloved wife embraced him. 

Together, they sizzled, expelling dark fumes from Yz.

Their love melted the dark influence of the anti life equation away.

Behind them the massive machinery exploded as Jay, Barry, Wally and Bart carried away the last of the captives.

"For Darkseid!" Granny Goodness led her Furies in the charge against Mr Miracle and Big Barda.

Raging mobs with glowing red eyes joined in the fray converging on the pair.

Alan, bring your team to aid Miracle and Barda now, said The Captains through their mind link.

Alan Scott flew over with reinforcements in the form of Wildcat, Black Canary, Jade, the Hawks, Mister Terrific and Dr Midnight.

Antidote! Barked The Captain.

Ollie shot arrows filled with antidote into the mobs. These exploded releasing white gas. Angry men and women looked disoriented before they fell into deep slumber.

Strong arms grabbed Marvel from behind, jerking his head back. Hard.

If not for his complete invulnerability, his neck would have snapped.

It was Kalibak, Darkseid's son.

Marvel twisted and flipped him towards Superman, whose fist pounded Kalibak clear through a massive structure, toppling it.

Grayven slammed his fist into Superman's jaw, sending him careening through the sky.

Superman corrected himself and landed beside Marvel. 

Backs facing each other, the pair fought off Darkseid's sons and elite forces.

The Captain glanced at Stars who fought alongside the JSA. With his speed, time slows to a standstill. 

His heart stopped when he saw Kanto's laser, fire at his sweetheart.

Instinctively, he flew in its path. The laser blast bounced off him, destroying an unfortunate parademon.

Simultaneously, an inter-dimensional rift opened in the spot he vacated, spitting out a floppy eared pink bunny, dressed in a Captain Marvel suit.

Hoppy made it. Cap smiled knowing that the bunny with all of Captain Marvel's powers could watch Supe's back in his absence. Stars needed him.

Steppenwolf swung his axe at the back of Superman's head.

The bunny blocked the blow with his paw, shattering the axe and returned one of his own.

"Thanks Cap," Superman said distractedly while dealing Mantis another blow.

"No problem," squeaked the bunny.

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