Honey, I'm Home! (Prologue)

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After a few hours of flying, (Y/n) had made it back to Unova. Yveltal landed on his front step and he returned her to her ball. The sun was barely beginning to rise and he yawned. He unlocked his door and stepped in.

When he did, he saw two pairs of glowing eyes in the darkness that instantly pounced on him. He fell and felt hands running up and down his body.

?:"Master is home."

??:"Good. Now we can play~"

The lights then turned on and he saw the figures on top of him.

The lights then turned on and he saw the figures on top of him

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Reshiram:"Hello master."

Kyurem:"Master~ I missed you~"

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Kyurem:"Master~ I missed you~"

(Y/n):"Hey girls. Missed you too."

This made them happy and they embraced him in a tight hug. He heard a sigh and peeked behind him to see N.

 He heard a sigh and peeked behind him to see N

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N:"You're back earlier than I expected."

The two legendaries let him go but held his hands as N approached and pecked his nose. This caused him to blush and made the other two kiss his cheeks.

(Y/n):"Heh, yeah. Kalos was uhh... Kind of a wash."

N:"Oh my."

(Y/n):"Yeah. Let me break it down for you. I went back, met my childhood friends, battled gym leaders, got a new power up called Mega Evolution, and fought some weird team."

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