Movie night

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Eddie pov:

School starts tomorrow, I'm not ready to go back "home". I really like being here with you, your mom has been really nice too, I think she likes me. I know it's weird that I'm just randomly writing you a letter but I wanted you to have this, just in case my mother bans me from ever seeing you again. That's why I've waited for school to start, I really shouldn't have been away from her so long, I mean, she knows I left, and Maggie told her I was staying here with the two of you. Still, I wonder if she's freaked out, I wonder if she misses me at all or if she just misses the control she has over someone. Anyways, thank you for letting me stay with you here, and thank you for helping me with everything.

Your love,

"Stop moving!" Richie shouted to Bill.

"F-fuck off." He bit back, continuing to shuffle in his seat, his elbow digging into Richie's side.

"Dick head, go sit somewhere else!" Richie whines, trying to push Bill's arm away but they were all squished together on the couch.

"You move, you're the, the one complaining." Bill argues.

Stan rolls his eyes, "Stop bickering!"

"This is a horrible tripple date." Bev laughs, Ben smiling along, they aren't dating officially, but that just gave him hope.

Mike groaned loudly from the floor, turning to face the group, "Please god no, is every hang out going to be like this? Horrible tripple dates that I was dragged into?"

"Of course not!" Eddie smiled, Richie quickly chiming in,

"Yeah! Just get yourself a girlfriend! Easy."

Mike flipped him off, "Or boyfriend." Bev added softly, looking over to the four who came out all at once.

Ben was a little confused, Beverly had to explain to him that the four were gay, but they weren't all dating. He thought the four were dating each other, he soon realized that they were two separate couples. Richie made terrible jokes about orgys the entire time.

"Seriously Bill fucking move!" Richie shouted, earning a quick slap at the back of his head from the arm Stan had stretched over Bill's shoulders.


"Stop complaining!"

"It's my couch! If I tell him to move he should!" Richie argued back, scooting closer to Eddie, though there wasn't space for that so the pair were digging into each other's sides painfully.

"My couch." Maggie said walking into the living room, a large bowl of popcorn in hand. She smiled, raising her eyebrows at the group in front of her before passing the bowl to Bill, she decided he was the responsible one.

Eddie gave her an awkward smile, he didn't know why, he was never awkward like that before, he was always the favorite of any adult. But he was suddenly feeling like he had to have her praise or he was just simply wrong.

"Can I borrow this little one for a second." Maggie asks, holding her hand out to help Eddie up, she wasn't really asking, she knew he would go with her anyways but she felt the need to ask knowing of the protective glances her son would throw between the two. And he did just that, watching them carefully as Eddie hesitantly grabbed her hand.

They let go as soon as he was standing. Eddie threw one last look to his boyfriend before following her into the kitchen.

"What was that about?" Bev asks, pushing her head forward to look over the boys blocking her view from Richie.

"I don't know." He replies, his eyes glued to the doorway, hating how the two were out of sight.

"Is he like, in trouble?" Ben asks concerned

"No, no, no. He hasn't done anything."

"Besides, Ms.Tozier loves him, she's always been his favorite." Stan said looking at the Tv and rolling his eyes, "I think she loves him more than her own son."

"Fuck you Stanly."

"St- stop fighting." Bill demands before shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth, Mike turning around to do the same.

Richie took advantage of the newly found space on the couch sitting 5 people, he scooted over and sat in Eddie's seat, sighing at the space he had to breathe, no elbow poking his ribs.

He lifted his eyebrows expectantly as Eddie stepped over Mike to his seat, "Move."

"No." Richie replies, "What did she want?"

"Nothing, my mom called. Move."

"No. What'd she want?" Richie asked, the losers club waiting for Eddie's answer.

"It's about school, don't worry. Just fucking move Richie, I want to sit down."

Richie raises his eyebrow looking at the small gap between him and Bill, though there really wasn't one since everybody had decided to take the small open space and unsquish themselves.

"I can't fucking sit there, I'd be sitting on top of you two!"

"So, sit on me." Richie replies.

Eddie felt his face get warm, "I don't want to." He said defensively crossing his arms, "I want my spot back."

"Nope." Richie refused, tilting his head to look around Eddie to see the movie they were watching, everyone was already annoyed by them.

Eddie huffed, he honestly could just sit on the floor, he could try to pull Richie out of his seat, but he decided to just turn and take Richie up on his offer.

Richie smiled smugly as he wrapped his arms around Eddie's waist, listening to his frustrated breathing as he did so.

"I knew you'd give in." He whispered, Eddie tried to ignore the tingling feeling down his spine,

"Shut up." He said embarrassed, he knew he wouldn't have if Maggie didn't just tell him she was going to bed, though he was still afraid of her walking in here to the sight of him sitting idly on her son's lap.

"This movie's boring." Richie spoke up,

"Maybe it wouldn't be if you would quit fucking around with your boyfriend and pay attention to the damn screen." Stan said annoyed, earning a giggle from both Bill and Bev.

"Eddie's just more interesting, it's not my fault you've got such a lame boyfriend."

"Hey!" Bill turned quickly, throwing popcorn at the boy, getting most of it stuck in Eddie's hair instead.

"What the fuck!" Eddie yelled, leaning forward and shaking his hair out, "Why are you guys so childish? Grow some balls and stop fighting Jesus!"

Richie raises his eyebrows, him and Bill passing the same look of widen eyes and flat lips until they looked at each other, it was hard for them to contain their laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" Eddie yells defensively, pushing himself off of Richie's lap as he made sure no more popcorn was on him.

The whole group started laughing after that, excluding the still very annoyed Stanly and an unbothered Mike who were intently watching the family friendly movie on the screen in front of them.

Mike smiled as Eddie stomped by him angrily shouting, "Whatever I'm taking a shower!"

"Night Eddie!" Beverly shouted back, knowing he'd be to stubborn to bid farewell to the group who would be leaving in just a few minutes.

"Wait for me!" Richie shouted, a joke making the room brim with laughter once more.

Eddie stomped up the stairs, his face going red from the joke, becoming even redder when he realized Maggie's room was around the corner of the living room, she definitely heard them all.



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