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It had been two weeks since Stanly's sleepover and Eddie was becoming more irritated with his controlling mother.

"Come one Eddie-bear," she said lowering herself into a kitchen chair, "Just take your pill."

"I'm not sick Ma!" He said from the bottom of the staircase, his arms crossed,

"Let's not do this again honey," she said, her voice laced with hidden malice, "Take your pills, they'll protect you from all the nasty germs your friend's have."

Eddie cringed, his face heating up in anger, "My friend's aren't nasty!" He bit back.

Sonia sighed, "Just come eat with your mother dear." She said giving up, Eddie shook his head,

"No, no. I'm leaving."

He ran up the stairs, quickly grabbing a bag he had already prepared for this occasion, or a next sleepover. He pushed the straps over his shoulder and ran out the door, his mother screaming behind him as she held tightly to the porch.


Was the only thought he had as he mounted his bike and rode away.


"Oh just shut up."

"You shut up."

"Shut the fuck up Stan."

"Richie I will throw you out that fucking window." He said pointing towards the window behind Richie.

"Stan, you're such an asshole, really. I-"


"WHERE?" Richie shot up off his bed, Stan looked at him for a moment, eyeing him up and down with a raised eyebrow,

"Where?!" Richie demanded again, ignoring the look, he faced his window, seeing his bestfriend drop his bike and run his hands over his face.

Richie turned and ran downstairs, opening the door before Eddie could even make it to the porch, "Eds!"

"H-hey..." Eddie said surprised, Richie smiled and stepped out of the way, motioning for Eddie to walk in.

"Come on," he said turning, "let's go upstairs." The two ran up to Richie's room, Eddie raising his eyebrows when he saw Stan,

"Hey." He said again, very confused,

"Hi Eddie." Stanly said, leaning against the window.

"What're you doing here?" Richie asked, a smile still on his face. "Couldn't get enough of this?" He pulled at his tacky Hawaiian shirt, the pink color popping out.

"No." Eddie said, scrunching his face in mock annoyance,

"No? You couldn't?" Richie said with a sideways grin,

"Ew, not what I meant Richie."

"Uh-huh, suuure. No body can resist me."

"Whatever," Eddie said pushing Richie back, the boy landing on his bed, sitting up as he got comfortable.

"I just ran away." He blurted out, the other two staring at him in shock,

"Really? Eddie wh-"

"Daaamn!" Richie said cutting him off, "Why?" His face still held shock but the energy surrounding him was like an excited child.

"The pills." Eddie said eyeing Richie before turning to Stanly, "She's still trying to make me take them."

"What are you going to do now?" Stanly asked concerned.

Reddie•Always youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang