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"I like laying on the roof." Richie said as Eddie stared at him in silence,


Richie smiled, "It's a good view to look at your mom's ass when she walks by."

"Richie, ew." Eddie cringed, while Richie just continued to laugh he turned around and crawled to the window, his arms through as Richie wrapped himself around his waist and pulled him back.

"I swear Richie! Do not fucking drop me!" He said, afraid they'd roll off the roof.

"Rellllax babe, I'm not going to."

Eddie took in a deep breath, honestly not trusting Richie's judgment. His heart fluttering with the use of that nickname.

He continued to kick until his feet hit the ground, Richie loosened his grip and laughed at the boy.

"You're such a dick." Eddie said, spinning around to face Richie.

"But I'm yours." He smiled,

Eddie groaned, laying his head on Richie's chest for half a second before looking back up, "You're not my dick." He said, hating the way it was worded.

"No, but I c-"

"No." Eddie cut him off, not wanting to hear what he would say next. Richie laughed loudly while Eddie glared at him.

Eddie pulled at the black shirt Richie slept in, trying to get him to shut up. Richie calmed down, still smiling as Eddie tugged at him.

He leaned down, placing small rapid kisses all over his boyfriend's face.

Soft side.

Eddie giggled, lightly pushing him away, butterflies fluttered in his stomach.

Richie felt the same feeling as he listened to Eddie's giggles and placed more kisses on him.

Eddie quickly turned his head up, catching Richie's lips in his own, they were both smiling. Eddie still giggling as they pulled away.

"You're such a dork." He said, leaning his head onto Richie's chest.

"You love it."

Eddie hummed in agreement as Richie tightened his arms around his waist. Eddie's hands rested on Richie's shoulder as the taller boy started rocking them side to side.

"Why are we dancing?" Eddie asked, a soft smile on his face, his chest felt warm. "There's no music."

"It'S gOnNa TaKe A lOt To DrAg Me AwAy FrOm YoU!" Richie sung loudly,

Eddie pulled away laughing, "You suck at singing."

Richie winked at him as he shouted louder, "THERE'S NOTHING THAT A HUNDRED MEN OR MORE COULD EVER DOOOOO!"

"Oh my god, Richie shut up." He placed his hand over Richie's mouth, hoping nobody outside got curious and came to see the sight of two boys on a roof.

Richie smiled, he kissed Eddie's palm, the younger boy took his hand away, he shook his head and climbed back through the window as Richie watched him.

"So gay." Eddie mumbled to himself, blushing as he embraced the feeling of butterflies Richie had given to him.


"Aunt Kimmie, this is expired." Beverly said turning from the cupboard, showing her multiple cans of food that was old.

"Oh." The blonde woman replied, "Well, we can go to the store today. I'm afraid that pantry hasn't been much updated since we moved."

Bev nodded, her red hair moving back and forth as she did so.

"When do you want to go?" Her aunt asked, brushing her long hair into a frizzy ponytail.

"Whenever you want." Beverly said, dumping all the expired food she had collected and threw it away, making sure she had a list of what they needed to buy.

"Let's go then." Kim reached down and slipped on her sneakers, not changing out of her soft blue shorts that dared to let her butt show, her yellow shirt had a palm tree in the middle, a hole on the small sleeve.

Beverly walked back to the room, changing from her pajamas into a green dress with white and yellow flowers, making sure to wear long shorts underneath.

"Let's go." She said after brushing her hair. The two walked down the road together in silence.

When they made it to the store they split up, each taking a cart and picking things up on their side of the store.

Kim hummed to herself, switching songs everytime she forgot the tune. As she placed a box of cereal into the cart a familiar brunette stepped in front of her,

"Kimmie?" He asked, surprise shown on his face. Kim looked up,

"Marcus? What are you doing here?"

He laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head, "Oh, well I uhm, I'm traveling. I don't own a place anymore so I just kinda drive around."

"Oh." She said feeling awkward, all her memories and scars becoming fresh from their past relationship. She missed him, but she was scared of him.

"Look, I- I know I hurt you before, I just wanted to say sorry. I was on a lot of drugs, but I'm really better now, I promise. I hope we can keep in touch, maybe become friends, but I just needed you to know how bad I feel for what I've done to you."

Kimmie nodded, swallowing thickly as she could imagine the burning sensation on her shoulder blade, remembering the time he pressed her down onto the stove when she told him no.

He stared, waiting for a reply, "Yeah." She said simply, "Uhm, I'm here with my niece, I really need to get going." She said quickly, pushing her cart past him, he noted how she had only 5 things when she left.

"Bev?" Kim pushed quickly down an empty aisle, "BEVERLY?" She called louder, tears threatening to fall.

The redhead quickly turned the corner, almost running into her aunt,

"Kimmie, what's wrong?" She asked worried, eyes wide as she examined the scared woman.

"We need to leave."

"Okay. Why." Beverly said pushing their carts to the check out,

"Can we go now? We'll come back some other time."

Beverly was scared now, not understanding why her very carefree aunt was rushing to leave.

"Yeah, let's go." She said grabbing her aunts hand and running out of the store, noticing how fast the tears were falling.

Kim's grip tightened as they walked on the side of the road, awkwardly avoiding fast and slow cars.

"What happened?" The redhead asked softly, squeezing her hand,

"Marcus was there. My ex, he- he did things to me, he hurt me Bev." She whispered back, sobbing as she confessed.

"Oh my god Kim." She stopped them before quickly wrapping her arms around the taller woman's shoulders, holding her close as the blonde cried into her shoulder.

"I won't let him ever come near you." Beverly promised, rubbing her aunt's upper back. Feeling how she tightened her arms around her waist, Kim didn't realize until now, just how starved for physical touch she was.

*** *** ***

How we feeling :> ??

We like Kimmie?
We love Bev♡

And we love Africa by Toto🤙🏼

Also, that was the cutest Reddie moment ever☺️

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