The tape

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Eddie groaned, looking around Richie's room as the boy searched through his closet.

"Here." He said proudly, holding a shoe box with multiple tapes in it,

"How do you even get these?" He asked in disgust,

"Stole them." He shrugged, walking out of his room,

"What?!" Eddie said, his eyes wide,

"It doesn't matter, let's get back."

"Why did you even drag me here." Eddie said annoyed, following the boy down his stairs.

Richie pulled a bag out and placed the box inside, "Its 1am, I didn't feel like getting kidnapped."

Eddie scoffed as he walked back outside, Richie placing the bag on his bike. The two rode back to Stanly's house, sneaking in through his window 20 minutes later.

"Lookie what I got!" Richie whisper shouted, walking back into the library where Stan and Bill were adjusting the TV.

Eddie laid on the couch, causing Ben to scoot further to the edge. Bev leaned on the back, watching as The three boys searched through their choices.

Richie said, "This one's my favorite." As Stanly showed him one,

"Of course you have a favorite." Eddie said in disgust, Richie turned and winked at him,

"It's cause the girl looks like you." He smirked, looking back at the tape before the others nodded in agreement. Bill pushed the tape in, hesitating before pressing play.

"Move." Stanly said as he walked to the couch, Eddie groaned as he lifted up his legs, scooting himself to the far corner.

Bill sat next to Stanly, their arms touching. Eddie felt uncomfortable, not really okay with this idea, and definitely not comfortable with the space between him and Bill as Richie walked to the couch.

"No way." Eddie said, holding his knees to his chest,

"Yeah," Richie said squeezing in the small gap between Eddie and Bill, their arms pressed against eachother.

"I don't want you that-that clo-close to me Ri-Richie."

Richie rolled his eyes, "Tell Eds to move his ass and we won't be."

"Eddie mo-move your ass."

"No!" Eddie protested, "I was here first!"

"Just move, you know he's not going to." Bev said from behind Stan, leaning against the couch, Eddie gave her his famous glare before getting up.

He was about to sit on the floor with Mike when Richie dragged him back down, "You have got to stop doing this!" Eddie said as he twisted sideways in Richie's lap, not even fighting to move.

That made Richie smile, everyone went silent as they stared at the TV.

Right off the bat you could hear soft moans, Eddie cringed, he really did not want to hear that.

Everyone was quite, you could hear Ben's loud breathing and the sound of Eddie shuffling awkwardly on Richie's lap, pushing himself further into the arm rest as he looked past Mike on the floor.

"Th- this is," Bill stuttered, "She- she re-rreally looks like h-him." He said in disbelief, Eddie felt eyes on him.

He looked up and saw everyone was looking between him and the screen, he raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"Richie... that's kinda scary." Mike said as he looked to Eddie. Richie let out a small laugh, it sounded awkward and forced.

The confused boy looked at the screen, cringing again when he saw what was happening to the loud girl, he started to look away.

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