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"He's been here for three days and you're already trying to seduce him." Stan said crossing his arms as he stood in the doorway with Bill behind him.

Richie looked over at the two, still not moving off of a very messy Eddie.

"D-did we inte-inter-rupt som-something?" Bill asked, holding back a laugh at the sight.

"No! No." Eddie answered quickly, pushing Richie off of him as he sat up straight. He pushed his hair down and adjusted his shirt quickly, trying to look put together.

Richie laughed, "Yeah, you kind of did." He told Bill, earning a laugh from him.

Eddie rolled his eyes before the other two boys walked into the room. Bill sat on the floor while Stan sat on the small windowsill.

Richie smiled, "You guys wanna go on a double date?"

Both Eddie and Bill's eyes went wide,



Stan and Richie laughed loudly while Eddie and Bill looked between eachother and their boyfriends,

"When?" Eddie asked shocked, Stan smiled,

"Same day as you two."

"Really?" Bill asked, a smile growing on his face as Richie nodded in agreement, "Tha-that's re-really cool."

Eddie smiled, "Wow."

Richie smiled, "A date?" He repeats,

"I-I'm d-down." Bill said smiling bright, Stan couldn't help but smile too,

"Of course." He said for his boyfriend, though he didn't want to share a date with Richie. They all turned to Eddie,

"Is it even allowed to reject my boyfriend's request for a first date?" All of them laugh,

"Wait, first?" Stan asked surprised,

"Yeah, we haven't gone anywhere." Eddie said tilting his head, Richie felt slightly bad, thinking he should have already taken Eddie on a date,

"But it's better just us, here, being able to do anything we want."

"Anything?" Richie joked, trying to cover his guilt,

"Richie, no." Eddie sighed, a smile present, "I mean if I wanted to cuddle you or kiss you, I wouldn't be able to in public."


"Well, it could be something simple. Like the quarry?" Stan suggested,

"That works." Richie said running a hand through his hair,

Bill nodded his head in agreement,

"Okay." Eddie agreed, "but I am not jumping."


The three boys dropped their bikes, plus Stan who kicked the stand out and set it carefully on a flat rock.

"Ayye, we could skinny-dip." Richie said smirking, he ripped off his shirt, sending his glasses flying.

"No." Stan said sternly, unbuclking his belt slowly, Bill made sure to keep his eyes to himself as he slid off his own shirt,

"Richie." Eddie said, a disappointed sigh escaping as he walked to where Richie's glasses were.

"What?" His boyfriend asked,

"Nothing." Eddie said shaking his head, he laid Richie's glasses down on his shirt before stepping away to take off his own clothes.

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