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"Do you think they might actually be dating?" A voice whispered,

"I- I don't k-know." Another one replied, "Ma-may-b-be."

"What about us?" The boy asked,

"Stan." The other one said sadly,

"We've both admitted our feelings, yet we haven't kissed, we haven't made it official. We haven't talked about it since then."

Eddie blinked an eye open, realizing just how twisted he was laying in Richie's lap, he looked up to see the boy sleeping, his glasses crooked and his hair a curly mess.

Eddie closed his eye, holding back a smile.

"I-I kno- know."

"But you don't want to talk about it?"

"I- Stan I'm ju-just scared."

"I know Bill, but we don't have to tell everyone. Eddie and Richie are literally cuddled up and you were afraid to even look at me while everyone was awake."

"No-not true." Bill said defensively, "I sat with y-you, I-I talked t-to you. Hell, I ev-even g-ot under your-your blanket." He took a deep breath, "Besides, everyone th-inks they're dat-dating."

Stan sighed, about to say something else before Beverly rolled over on the couch, her hand flopping down in between the two boys.

Eddie took that as his queue to, "wake up"

He let out a groan as he blinked his eyes open, looking up to see Richie sleeping peacefully. He did his best to act annoyed as he rolled over, seeing the two boys staring at him from the floor.

He groaned again as he slowly sat up, rubbing his eye, "What time?"

"11:34." Stan answered quickly, showing Eddie his watch.

"Did you guys stay up all night?"

"I may have took a nap." Stanly admitted, earning a small giggle from Bill.

"I- I won."

Eddie rolled his eyes, un tangling his legs from Beverly's who was stretched out in front of him. He slowly sat up, the couch dipping in his weight and springing back up as he made contact with the floor.

"I'm gonna go brush my teeth." He said, grabbing his bag and walking to the bathroom.

He pulled out his toothbrush and toothpaste, brushing his teeth slowly as he replayed Stan and Bill's converstaion in his mind.

Are they gay?
Are they together?
What we're they talking about?

He rinsied his toothbrush off and made sure to seal it tightly in a bag before pulling out a change of clothes.

He took off his shirt, studying himself as he put deodorant on, he sighed, placing his new shirt over him.

I'm so small.

He pulled down his pants, sliding them off and stepping out of them, his socks staying on. He refused to go barefoot anywhere. He looked away from the mirror as he put on new underwear, quickly pulling his shorts over them.

He, packed his clothes neatly in his bag before walking back to the library where Richie and Beverly were now awake, kicking eachother for more space on the couch.

He dropped the bag by the door and walked to them, "It's almost noon, you guys can get your lazy asses up."

"Says you!" Beverly groaned, "You fell asleep before the rest of us!"

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