Apple Pie & Crazy Chickens

Start from the beginning

"Hey Court, want some freshly baked apple pie, with home made vanilla ice cream?" Billy asked as he put down his phone.

"Sounds good," smiled Courtney, her cute braces glinting in the sunlight.

"We'll fly there," he grinned as he took several steps back. "Shazam!"
Lightning struck the boy, changing him into Captain Marvel.

"And.. here comes our chaperone," Cap broke into a dimpled grin as a blue blur landed in front of them.

"Superman?" Courtney's jaw dropped.

"Hi Courtney. I've heard so much about you from Bill." The man of steel's eyes twinkled.

"Hey pops," deadpanned the big red cheese.

"Let's go, son," laughed big blue without missing a beat. As he took off to the skies.

Captain Marvel scooped Courtney in his arms and carried her bridal style.

"Pops? Son?" Stuttered Courtney once she caught her breath.

"Gotcha!" Supes and Cap burst out laughing.

"We're bros actually. Supes' adopted parents are my godparents," grinned Marvel. "Our Ma makes the best apple pie in the entire universe. The Kents have been bugging me to introduce you."

They landed outside the Kent Farm house. Lightning struck Cap while Supes changed to Clark.

Turning to Courtney, he offered her his hand. "Hi, I'm Clark," he gave her a firm but cautious handshake.

Courtney stared and gaped at the slightly hunched bespectacled farmer.

"No powers on the Kent farm," Clark stated the Kent's number one rule as they entered the house.

"Why?" Asked Courtney.

"That's why," Billy pointed to the roof with large haphazardly patched holes.

An elderly couple with kindly eyes greeted the trio. "Ma! Pa!" Clark and Billy took turns hugging the old farmer and his wife.

The robust old lady gave Courtney a friendly side hug. "Courtney, we've been looking forward to meeting you."

"Thanks Mrs Kent," she beamed.

"No formalities here. We're Pa and Ma to Billy, so we're your Pa and Ma too," she gave Billy a knowing wink.

The boy's face matched his bright red sweater.

"Martha," chided the old farmer.

"We'll get the food ready," laughed Martha with her husband Jonathan and son Clark in tow. "You kids make yourself comfortable.

"Ok. Explain," Courtney tapped her foot as she eyes fixed on Billy's. "Superman's folks adopted you?" She frowned.

"He knows? Does the entire Justice League know about your secret?" She tilted her head curiously.

Billy pulled her down with him on the couch. "Long story. No. In the League, only Superman, Batman and the New Genesis folks know. When Batman found out I was a ten year old kid, an orphan, and fit the profile of his Robins, he was dead set on adopting me."

"And your last name is Batson," laughed Courtney.

"I'm not Bat's son. Don't wanna be. And I have no intention of ever being a Robin." he pouted.

"So how did you escape?" Courtney's light blue eyes sparkled with amusement.

"Superman's parents came to my rescue," grinned Billy.

"You know I've been Cap since I was nine.  Supes and I were both working undercover chasing stories as reporters and ended up working on a case together," he beamed.  "I revealed my secret to him to get his help to crack the case."

"And then?" She tilted her head curiously.

"We fought," he chuckled. "But eventually, he accepted it and we became firm friends, eventually brothers."

"How did you get into the Justice League?" Courtney asked.

"The League needed to expand, so I recommended Captain Marvel," Clark walked into the room.
"Everyone needs backup. Team mates they can count on. Even me," he grinned.

"So the League took in a nine year old kid as a core member?" Courtney's eyebrow shot up.

"I was ten then. There is no rule that we must tell the League our secret identities, so I got in through that loophole, with Clark's backing. Plus Cap's powers makes him one of the League's heaviest hitters" he laughed as he took his seat at the dining table.

"You've got try Ma's apple pie with Pa's ice cream," Billy scooped a large helping of freshly made ice cream on Courtney's plate.

"Oh. Wow," Courtney closed her eyes as she savoured the flavours of cold melting vanilla ice cream on hot and utterly amazing apple pie.

"I have flown across galaxies at light speed just for Ma's pie," said Clark as he lifted a fork full of pie into his mouth.

"He's not kidding," Billy added, savouring his portion.

"So, how did Batman find out?" Asked Courtney.

"Batman makes it his job to find out everything there is about every one in the league in case one of us goes rogue," Clark said nonchalantly.

"Bats is paranoid," Billy rolled his eyes.

"He wasn't so bad when he thought you're Kryptonian, but when he found kryptonite and red solar energy have no effect on Cap, he went ballistic," chortled Clark.

"How'd he find out?" Asked Courtney.

"He saw me confiscate kryptonite
before it could kill Clark here," Billy nudged Clark.

"Then he brought me to the red room to spar with him. Big mistake. He lived to regret it.." Billy bit into another chunk of apple pie with gusto.

"So he used Brother Eye to spy on the Captain, and caught Cap changing into a black haired, blue eyed ten year old orphan. From that point on, he was determined to add you to his Robin collection," concluded Clark heaping more ice cream on yet another slice of pie.

"Seriously? Make you his sidekick?" Courtney could barely hold in her laughter.

"Yep!" Replied Clark and Billy in unison.

"He approached Billy to get him to move into his mansion in Gotham where he'd live in luxury, served by a butler and surrounded with foster siblings, former and current Robins. Batman even promised to make an exception to the no meta in Gotham rule just for Cap," said Clark.

"And then?" She asked.

"I called Clark. Asked him for advice. Clark tried to adopt me but Bruce is a registered foster parent with the means to care for an army of orphans in luxury. Clark couldn't win that fight," Billy frowned.

"So I called Ma and she stepped in," laughed Clark.

"I went right up to Brucie in his mansion," said Martha waving her rolling pin," and warned him off Billy. Jonathan and I applied for and got the roles of Billy's godparents, with the backing of Sterling Morris, Billy's boss."

"So I get to stay in Fawcett, food and accomodations on top of my salary provided for by Whiz network, with Pa and Ma Kent as my legal guardians here in Smallville and Clark here as my brother," grinned Billy.

"And all the apple pie I can eat," he burped.

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