Chapter 50 || Pretty Tragedy.

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CHAPTER SONG - Wave of You, Surfaces

I stirred, groaning at the stiffness keeping my body trapped. Everything felt droopy, and heavy to the point that I couldn't even lift my head. And the fuzziness in my head was making me need to blink a few times. But every time I tired, my eyes would just stay closed, as if they were glued. I would say that angered but my truthfully, I couldn't get myself to feel anything but tired.

Something shifted beside me. "Love?"

I stirred again, trying to pin-point the voice to the owner. It knew it, the familiarity of it making my stomach flip. The notes of huskiness, and regal, like something from old time royalty. And it made me smile, because I really enjoyed the voice. It was pretty. So pretty. Like a pretty boy I know. Pretty.

I licked my creaked lips, feeling my head bow from the weight. Since when did I have such a bowling ball head? But with effort that felt like it might break something in me, I forced myself to open my eyes. It felt like pushing against strong wind, but I did it. And I was rewarded.

Dark forest eyes, full of concern and uneasiness stared down at me. The pretty boy I know, he was looking at me. He was alluring. Luscious in every way. And all I could think of was, oh man was heaven great. Lord? Thanks for the kind welcome.

I tried to swallow to say something, but my mouth was dry to the point that it made it feel like sandpaper scraping down my throat. I tried again, staring up at light lake eyes, covered in soft brown leaves on spring mornings. Does heavens have seasons, or are they all mixed into one? Because the man looking at me was the king of them all, he ruled and held them all in his entrancing eyes.

Licking my chapped lips, I managed to reach for one word, "Hi."

His lips curled up; a smile that really was heaven sent. Oh fluffy bunnies. "I love heaven." I mumbled, "I have a pretty man in mine." I said, the words spilling past my tongue that I couldn't feel. Huh, that's odd. Maybe in heaven you stop feeling your body? I didn't even realize I was lifting my hand and trailing my finger down his cheek until I saw it with my own eyes. "Pretty." I said, mesmerized.

He looked so familiar, and I just couldn't figure out from where. I knew him, I did, but how? Who was he? And why was he smiling at me like I just granted him life, and breath all together. And when he chuckled, the sound vibrated through me in a rough, and sensual way. "This isn't heaven, it's a hospital bed. Did you really plan to leave me, love? Just like that?"

Love. Why does that sound familiar too? Someone used to call me that. Someone use to look at me just like he was looking at me like. Like I mattered. Like I was everything and more. And like every breath that came off his pretty lips was mine before he even took it. I know him, but how? My mind was all scrambled, and I just couldn't think straight. All my thoughts felt jumbled.

I blinked slowly at him, feeling the drop of my lids incredibly heavy. Somehow, his words were really hard to understand too. I mean, I heard him, and I knew what he was saying but at the same time I couldn't even remember what he just said. For some reason, the only thing I can focus on was how graceful, and handsome, and irresistible he was.

I smiled, ignoring what he just said. "God really fulfilled all my fantasy with you." I ran my finger down his cheeks, "You look like someone. Someone I know and he was just as pretty as you." My head bowed again, but I caught it and went on, "Where is God? I should thank him." I explained, and the good-looking man laughing. Relief slammed into his eyes and making them light into early morning sunsets.

"Runway pretty, right?" he asked, just as I ran my thumb across his lips, so plump and pink, and soft, and whoa... They curled under my touch, lifting up. "Your so drugged out, love." he explained, eyes softening by the second.

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