Chapter 9

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"Kira." I say as her lips are inches from mine. My hands were resting on her hips and just as our lips were about to touch...

The next thing I know is im on the floor next to my bed and look around confused.

Kira:"What were you dreaming about?"

I look in the direction of the voice and see Kira at the foot of my bed holding my cover seeming to have pulled it off of me.


Kira:"You said my name so spill."

"Hitting my head on the floor seems to have made me forget."

A tick marks appears on her forhead and she throws the cover at me.

Kira:"I know you remember!"

"Do I now~?"

She huffs in annoyance and stomps out of the room.

I get up and follow her and quickly catch up to her and hug her from behind.

"If you really want to know we were about to kiss." I tell her and she blushes.


"What I didn't want you upset so I told you."


I hear her mutter and I pout turning her around.

"Thats mean Kira."

She rolls her eyes and shoves her hand in my face while looking away.

Kira:"Go put a shirt on."

I sigh and give her a kiss on the cheek before walking back to my room leaving her standing in the hallway red faced.

After getting dressed I go to the kitchen and see Kira in there trying to cook something. Though if her hesitant unsure face is anything to go by I would say she doesn't really know what she's doing.

I smile a little and decide to let her keep cooking. Going out to my garden and start to water my plants. Afterwards I go check on all my poisons while administering a small dose of whatever poisons I don't have a full immunity to to myself.

Getting back to the kitchen I see that Kira is done cooking, but she doesn't look happy about the food.

"What's with that face Kira?" I ask standing beside her.

She jumps at my sudden appearence and looks at me the nervously to the food.

Kira:"I... tried making breakfast."

She admits in a mumble while gesturing to the food on the table. Their's steamed rice, tsukemono and some grilled fish, though the fish is slightly burnt.

I smile and sit down at the table and give my thanks for the meal before I start to eat it all not leaving a single crumb. Looking up at Kira with a smile.

"The food was wonderful Kira." I tell her and she blushes.

Kira:"Y-You're just saying that..."

Getting up I make my way beside her and give her a peck on the cheek making her blush and look at me with wide eyes.

"I mean it Kira. It's nice to have a homecooked meal I didn't make myself. Especially when its from someone I love."

Her blush deepens but I see a smile on her face before she looks away and starts to eat her food happily.

"I'm going to turn my papers in for the chunin exams, do you want to hang out later?"



'Team 7 should be back tomorrow... Sensei did tell me I should train.' I think as I walk down the street.

Shifting my direction I start to go towards the Uchiha compound. Though someone does try to put a genjutsu on me but I easily undo it and continue on my way without any change.

As I near the compound Kurenai and team 8 make their way towards me.

"Is their something you need Kurenai?" I ask as I walk towards Kira.

Kurenai:"I was wondering if you wanted to train with my team?"

"Oh... I would love to, but their is somethings I want to try out, and the less people around the better if it goes south." I tell her and she nods.

Getting to Kira I hug her suprising her.

"Take care of my Inuzuka though." I tell her and she nods with a smile. "By the way were you the one to cast a genjutsu on me earlier?"

Kurenai:"Yeah, I wanted to see how you'd handle it."

I give a peck to Kira's cheek and pat Hinata's head. I look at Shino for a moment before patting his head to confusing him.

"Take care."

Kira was blushing while Hinata was smiling and Shino was confused. I stop for a moment and try to pat Kurenai's head, but she's taller than me.

Kurenai:"I'm fine."

Getting an idea I grab her hand and kiss it before leaving.

Getting to the training grounds I look around and smile as I sense no one around.


Quickly doing a few handsigns I make a shadow clone.

The clone does a few handsigns. "Poison Jutsu: Paralyzing Mist."

A light red mist covers the area as the clone and I both are obscured from each others view.


Y/n activates his sharingan as the clone does the same. Taking his ninjato out he quickly blocks a strike from the clone.

This continues for a few minutes. The clone charging through the mist and striking at him each time he relocates.

Things turn when senbon needles fly towards Y/n and he has to block them along with keep tabs on the clones position. With the sharingan it isn't that hard.

A end finally comes when Y/n blitz's the clone and slices the neck of the clone making it disappear. The information the clone had floods into his brain as the mist slowly disapaites.

As he stands there he looks towards the Hokage's faces and his eyes fall onto the second Hokage's.

His face remains neutral though a glint of resentment or hate flashes in his eyes. What sounds to be a scoff comes from him as he turns and heads home.


Butterfly of the Uchiha (femkiba x malereader x temari)Where stories live. Discover now