Chapter 8

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Hiruzen:"So you killed Gato and all of his men?"

"Correct." I answer.

Hiruzen:"Took his wealth and gave 3/4ths of it to the land of waves." Hirzuen continues and I nod. "1/4th of it to Zabuza."

"Yes." I answer. "Well I did take 1/10 for myself." I add on.

Hiruzen:"Very well, that doesn't nessacarily need to be in the report. You have the rest of the day off. But before you leave I give you the option to sign up for the chunin exams."

I take it and thank him before leaving and putting the paper in my pocket.

While walking around the villiage I spot a familiar hyuga woman.

"Ms Hyuga it's great to see you're still well." I greet her with a smile.

Hinako:"You too Y/n, how did your mission go?"

"It went well, no unnessacary deaths, criminals and trash dispatched. Innocents saved and tooken care of." I answer.

Hinako:"Are you busy today?"

"No I have today off, though I was intending to check on my plants." I tell her.

Hinako:"Well when you're done with that I would love to introduce you to Nijiko."

"Neji's sister right?" I ask and she nods. "Well I'll stop by the Hyuga compound after i'm finished."

Hinako:"I'll inform the guards to expect you." She says while walking off.

I then walk to my own home. Though getting there I find that Kira is tending to my plants.

"Kira how are you?" I ask and she jumps up startled by my voice.

Kira:"Y/N! When did you get here?"

"Just now. I came to water my plants but seems like you have it covered." I say while going next to her.

Kira:"Yeah, I figured someone needed to since both you and your cousin were on a mission." Kira says defensivly.

"Thank you. Guess your mom having a key to the house was a good thing after all." I say. "But sadly you haven't used it for what i've teased you for."

Kira:"Why would I?!" Kira says suprised. "I'm not gonna be a creep and sneak into the house to cuddle with you, if I want to I'll just ask." Kira says then blushes.

"Do you want to later?" I ask whispering in her ear and she pushes me away with a redder face.

Kira:"S-Sh-Shutup!" She yells covering her face with her arms.

I can't help but smile seeing her look so adorable. But my smile leads her to blush more when seeing it.

After putting my weapons up I walk over to her I kiss her forhead catching her by suprise.

"Thank you for the help Kira." I tell her and she shyly nods.

Kira:"N-No problem." She stutters out quietly.

"Well I have to go mess with another Hyuga." I tell her and she chuckles.

Kira:"Wont you make Hinata jealous?"

"Oh dear you're right." I say now thinking about it.

As I am thinking I feel something touch my cheek and turn to see Kira with a red face before I could ask she shoves me out my house.

Kira:"Now get going!" She yells extremely red.

"I guess I will..." I say processing the fact I just got kicked out of my own home.




Hiashi:"Are you sure about this?"

Hinako:"Of course, Nijiko will get along with Y/n."

Hiashi:"I'm just not sure about this. He's an Uchiha."

Hinako:"Come now its not like they are going to marry. It's just for them to become friends."

Hiashi sighs knowing that his wife wouldn't change her stance on the matter. Not too long later theirs a knock at the door.

Hiashi:"Come in!"

The door opens and reveals Y/n with his signature smile he slightly bow his head to Hizashi and Hinako.

Y/n:"Great to see you Hizashi, Hinako."

Hinako:"Come sit Y/n."

Just a Y/n sits down the door opens a girl 2 years younger than him walks in and sits besides Hinako.

The girl had long black hair that she had in two pony tails with one over each of her shoulders.

Hinako:"Y/n I would like you to meet Nijiko Hyuga, Nijiko this is Y/n Uchiha."

Hiruzen POV

'These reports... well it's a good thing Y/n already knew the cruelty of the shinobi world.' I think as I stare at the reports about his mission.

In one single night Y/n took out all of Gato's criminal hideouts and 'legal' brothels. Y/n treated the women, no, females in the brothels the best he could with his medical knowledge.

"He's ready for the chunin exams, he just needs to sign up." I say while picking my pipe up.



"Your chakra control is decent." I compliment Nijiko and she smiles. "However you shouldn't neglect training your body." Her smiles falls to a pout as I poke her arm.

Nijiko:"I'm still growing!"

"I sure hope so. It'd be bad if a gust of wind swept you away." I tease and she hits my arm still pouting.

Hearing someone giggling I turn to see Hinako along with Hanabi watching us. The giggling coming from both females.

Hinako:"Now Y/n thats not how you talk to a girl."

"Oh my~ Is it not?" I say feigning suprise with a hand on my cheek.

Hanabi:"You're funny!"

I pat Hanabi's head as she runs up to me as Hinako smiles and shakes her head.

"Thank you for the compliment small Hyuga."

Hanabi:"Can I see your sharingan?"

"Sharingan? That doesn't ring any bells." I say and pretend to think about it as she looks at me confused.

Hanabi:"You're an Uchiha, have a sharingan right?"

"Sharingan... sharingan.. Oh you meant my sharingan."

Hanabi:"That's what I said!"

"No you said sharingan while I said sharingan." I say and she grows confused.

Hanabi:"But... huh?"

I activate my sharingan three tomoes and she stares at it in awe her confusion instantly disappearing.

Hanabi:"They're like rubies!"

"Yes, but the Hyuga's eyes are pretty too."


Butterfly of the Uchiha (femkiba x malereader x temari)Where stories live. Discover now