Chapter 1

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No Pov


Standing in the door way of a bedroom staring at the young boy no older than 8 sitting up in his bed a bandage wrapped around his left eye and a ninjato on his left as well as some senbon needles.

Y/n:"Itachi. While I don't agree with them, I hold no ill will towards you for your actions, I cannot speak for Shisui though. But do not blame yourself also I know you didn't kill my brother."

Itachi walks into the room and sits down beside the young brother of Shisui.

Itachi:"You always had a knack for finding things out whether you should know them or not.... I thank you for the words of comfort."

Y/n:"Just take care of my weapons for me will you?"

Itachi gets up and walks to the door.

Y/n:"Itachi, our anscetors should have left this village."

Itachi doesn't say anything as the screen fades to black and all thats heard is a blade slashing flesh and the sound of a door closing,


Y/n Pov

Waking up in a hospital bed with rays of light peircing through the window. I let out a weak cough as I try to sit up earning a pain from my left side forcing me to stop and let out a groan of pain.


Turning to my right I see Sasuke looking like he just woke up sitting by my bed.

"Hey Suke."

I say with as warm of a smile as I can manage.

Sasuke, to my suprise doesn't get mad at the nickname, instead he hugs my right arm and I feel my arm get wet.

"Hey now Sasuke, im still here, not going anywhere."

I say trying to raise my left arm to pat him on the back but am unable only earning more pain from my left side and shooting through my arm.

"I'm sure the medical nin would like to know im up, why dont you go tell them, i'll be right here when you get back."

Sasuke looks hesitant but upon seeing my reassuring smile he agrees and heads to get one of the medical staff.

When he leaves I look at my left side and see it wrapped in bandages from just under my ribs over my nipple to my collerbone.

'He did have to make it look like he tried to kill me. Still hurts though.'

I let out a silent chuckle as I turn to the door hearing footsteps and soon see a familiar medical nin and Sasuke come in.

"Well... how are you today?"

Hakui:"Y/n, I didn't think you would wake for another day atleast, but I am glad to see you recover so fast, so is everyone else im sure."

"Well when do you think I can be out of this bed? And into mine, which I probably have to wash now."

Hakui stands on the left side of my bed while Sasuke returns to the chair on the right.

Hakui:"Well your wound should be able to be closed up using chakra today, but we will be keeping you here for 2 more days."


Hakui:"Well while we were bandaging your wound we noticed something on your lungs and we may have figured out a way to fix your sickness, or at the very least make it so you can walk around without trouble."

My eyes light up and I grab her hand despite the pain shooting through my side.


Hakui chuckles and pushes me back down on the bed.

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