Chapter 7

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"Are you sure you didn't kill them and hide their bodys?" I ask Kakashi as he sweatdrops.

Kakashi:"I'm sure."

A few seconds later Naruto and Sasuke walk into the hosue both leaning on the other for support.

"So they aren't dead, thats wonderful."

The two sit down at the table and dinner starts though their is a little incident with Inari and Naruto who yelled at the kid.

"My that was something." I say breaking the silence after Inari ran off.

Sakura hit Naruto in the head calling him an idiot.

"I'll be roaming the villiage looking for any trouble Kakashi." I say as I get up from the table.

"Okay, make sure you get some rest." Kakashi says as I leave the house.

I walk out and start to wander the streets of the land of waves. Though I come across some 'interesting' sounds when walking past a building.

"She's just a child! Use me instead!" I hear a woman plead.

"Did you forget you and every other bitch in here is Gato's property now." I hear an ugly male voice say.

Going up to the door I knock on it, 'quietly' and 'polietly' of course.

The one who answers the door is what I can only describe as an ugly bastard. Glancing behind him I see more men and females of variying ages chained up.

"What do you want?" He ask with a sneer.

"I have a stimulant if you and your friends want to use it." I say with a sweet calm voice hiding my anger.

A grin comes across his face. "Sure, we can use it."

"Great." I say.

A senbon needle find its way into his neck and he stumbles back into the room.

"What the fuck!" One of the males says.

"The hell did you just do?" Another ask.

The women back away and try their best to get out of the way of what's about to unfold. While all the males draw their weapons.

"I gave him a stimulant." I answer with a simle. I was about to draw my sword but I saw that their were infact children in here.

"What the hell kind of stimulant do you stab into someone?!" One male as angry.

"Oh it stimulates you time of death to one minute away, and judging by his silence it makes it so you can't scream in pain." Hearing my answer the males back up in fear.

They don't get far however as more senbon needles find their necks and they one by one fall to the ground.

After I make sure none of them are getting up I turn to the women.

"Now do any of you know which one had the keys?" I ask.

"The ugly bastard." Answers one of them.

Going over to the body I do infact find the keys and one by one unlock all the chains binding the females.

"Are their anymore places like this here?" I ask one of them.

"Not that I know of. But I heard one of them talking about Gato was thinking about starting a new one." A woman tells me and I nod.

"Well take whatever you want from this place. I have some hunting to do." I say as I leave the building."




Tatsumi was walking around the village when she heard from someone that Gato's sex trafficing places were all hit at night. All the women who were there were freed.

"Do you know who's responsible for it?" She ask the shopkeeper.

"They say its one of those ninja that wandered into the village with Tazuma." The shopkeep says. "Infact if I remember right I think Gato's men are disappearing aswell."

"You think its the shinobi's doing?" She ask and the shopkeep shrugs.

"Could be a demon for all I care aslong as Gato and his men have less of a chance to make things worse." The shopkeep answers.

"I suppose you have a point." Tatsumi says.

"Oh Tatsumi how are you?" A voice ask and Tatsumi turns to see Y/n.

Y/n looks relativly the same as she last saw him, but he did seem a little tired.

"Y/n, you seem tired, are you alright?" Tatsumi ask and Y/n nods.

"Their was more men than I realized, and I had to eliminate them all to get to Gato. Safe to say none of them will be a problem." Y/n says with a smile while Tatsumi stares at him in shock same with anyone else who heard him.

"Wait all of Gato's men?" Tatsumi ask and Y/n nods.

"Yes." Y/n answers. "That reminds me." Y/n then pulls a scroll out and sets it on the ground.

Unsealing the scroll when the puff of smoke clears they see lots of money.

"3/4ths of Gato's wealth. For the land of waves." Y/n says and everyone stares at him in shock. "What? To the victor goes the spoils."

Tatsumi has tears in her eyes before she runs to Y/n and hugs him tight while repeatedly thanking him.

"Oh don't thank me yet, Zabuza is still out there." Y/n says. "My mission is also to protect your father, and that has yet to be over."

After Y/n gets Tatsumi off of him he goes off to the bridge. Persumedly to find Tazuma.


Arriving at the bridge I see that Kakashi, Sasuke and Naruto are battles against Zabuza and the masked nin. Sakura was protecting Tazuma.

"Zabuza before you continue fighting I have something you may want to hear." I say loudly catching everyone's attention.

"And what's that?" He ask keeping his eyes on Kakashi.

The masked nin stops their fight with Naruto and Sasuke for a moment.

"Gato is dead." I announce.

"How can I be sure you aren't lying?" Zabuza ask.

I take out a scroll and takes Gato's head from it and toss it to Zabuza.

"Is that enough?" I ask and he nods. "But here's this." I toss him another scroll containing 1/4 of Gato's wealth. "You still recieve payment."

Zabuza looks at the scroll for a moment as the masked nin appears beside him.

"Very well." Zabuza says. "We have no reason to continue this mission then."

Zabuza and the masked nin leave while everyone stares at me.

"Is their something on my face?" I ask with a tilted head.

"No." Sakura says.

"I will say that went suprisingly well." Kakashi says now covering his eye up. "Y/n go report the Hokage, my team and I will finish up the rest."

I nod at the orders and begin to shunshin away back to Konoha.


Butterfly of the Uchiha (femkiba x malereader x temari)Where stories live. Discover now