Battle of Atlas (Ukrainian Armed Forces vs Atlas vs SDC)

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Arctic's Point of View

The Battle of Beacon Academy was finally over, left in ruins, we celebrated for victory. I noticed that Team RWBY was in hospital, heh, those bitches deserved it. We went back to the Kyiv, as I was looking at battle reports, when President Zelensky walked in.

"*In Ukrainian* General Arctic, we have a reports of Atlas declaring war on us." Zelensky told me. "Shit, How large are Atlas Forces?" I told him. "*In Ukrainian* Here what I wrote when I was talking to the General of Atlas:

 4320: 144 per group, 30 groups in total

Soldiers in reserve = 1170: 39 per group, 30 groups in total

Mechs = 42

Number of jet copters and capital ships: 100

Total number of Atlas military personnel: 5532-20000" He showed me the paper he wrote, I wasn't surprised at all. I sighed "Tell the Airforce General to Train to fight the mechs, make sure we train our troops, call other Infantry's to start train their troops." I told him and he went to tell anyone about the reports were doing. 

With Ruby

We woke up in a familiar place. "Where am I?" I asked.  "Your in Atlas Hospital, luckily you didn't sustain any Injuries during the Battle of Beacon." The doctor told me. "What happened?" I told them.

"Ukrainian Army was the responsible to The Battle of Beacon" the doctor told me. "Who led the army?" I told them. "Well, the new General of that Army, is Arctic Oleskiy." The doctor told me, I was tearing up, how did Arctic became the General of the Army? Is it because we cheated on him? "Well, you can leave the hospital anytime, just don't injure yourself again." the doctor told me. I nodded and packed everything.

After a few minutes I walked out of the Hospital building, entering Atlas Academy, since Beacon was destroyed. I went to my dorm room, and see that Yang, Weiss and Blake was talking about how we can get Arctic back.

Back to Arctic

"Okay, we got our weapons? we got our T-35's, Anti Aircraft, Artillery, AK-47's. Good, the Invasion starts in a week, we better start preparing!" I told everyone, they nodded as civilians are working hard, producing the materials we need for T-35's and other stuff.. The Airforce General told me that he was training his Airforce pilots. I smiled and getting ready for the war against a powerful nation on Remnant. Their technologies are not strong enough to beat us. We have missiles and Attack Helicopters on us, we are prepared for The Battle of Atlas.

One Week Later.

We finally upgraded our T-35's Snipers, AK-47. We are prepared for a massive battle of Atlas, with a massive  Military Personnel of 2 Million. 20,000 T-35's, 10,000 Artilleries. 40,000 Anti Aircrafts. 25 F-35's and 2 Aircraft Carriers. We quickly marched in Formation to Atlas. (A/N: Play the song on Chapter 1)

With Yang

We heard sounds of Alarm, we think that Ukraine Forces are gonna invade us, Everyone got their gear, when we went outside, our eyes are widen to see a massive army, with massive airplanes with Yellow and Blue smokes, a Massive ship with airplanes on bored, and a massive tank formations, and a Helicopter.

"H-Holy Fuck.." I muttered, Weiss' eyes were tearing up when she saw who the General was responsible for The Battle of Beacon Academy. "16th Army Aviation Brigade, are we ready?!" I looked over who it was and it was Arctic with a General Uniform.

We began worry over Atlas, this is the last hope if Atlas will never stood a chance against Ukraine.

Back to Arctic

"Slava Ukraini!" Everyone shouted, I ordered the Air Force General, by the name of Ina, to bomb over defenses. She obeyed and told her pilots to bomb the defenses, and it was successful.

With Ironwood.

Damn It! The Ukraine Forces are here! "General, what do we do now?" Winter asked me, I was getting worried that our most powerful nation will come to end. 

"Bring everything, people. guns, everything matters, we need to get rid of those Ukrainian Forces."

Back to Arctic

Atlas Troops began marching to their formations, and my eyes widen. They have more army than us, I didnt' even realize that Zelensky was fooled by General Ironwood, he had a army of double of ours. I gritted my teeth and they were preparing to fire.

"Charge!" I yelled, all army charged, Firing AK-47's killing Atlas Soldiers. The total deaths are in hundred thousands. Tanks are in formation, missiles are being launched to take out the supplies ships from other kingdom. Aircraft Carriers are being commanded by Fleet Admiral Ameila Watson.

F-35's are coming to take out other fighter jets that Atlas used. The Battle of Atlas Began.

With Blake

Our eyes are widen that Atlas Soldiers are being killed by the Ukrainian Soldiers. I looked over the General, and it was Arctic. Why would Arctic do this? Why?

"Guys Look!" Weiss shouted out, they looked over and it was SDC crates for the Atlas soldiers. I was mad but also happy, hopefully it won-


The explosion was on the SDC crates were gone, I looked over and it was the Ukrainian Anti Aircraft's are destroying the SDC crates. Theres nothing we can do. This is the end of the world.

Back to Arctic

Everything is going good so far, more than 1.5 Million Atlas are been killed, wounded or missing. The ships are doing good, the Artillery, AA's, but something just came by. The SDC, those fucking idiots. I ordered to Anti Aircrafts to destroy them. They obeyed and did so. 2 million Atlas Soldiers are dead, wounded or missing. General of Atlas walked outside.

"WE SURRENDER!" The General said. We shouted in Victory.

With RWBY 

We were shocked, we lost a powerful Nation. They surrendered, we lost everything. Team RWBY began having panic attacks what would happen next. BY was crying because how horrible they did to Arctic.

With Summer

I watched the news, then it broadcasted into a news that made me shocked.

"Atlas Academy and Schnee Dust Company has been destroyed by Ukrainian Armed Forces, in a Leadership of 16th Army Aviation Brigade, led by Arctic Oleksiy, known as Arctic Phoenix." The news said. I was so shocked what was happen to Atlas, Everyone knew that Ukraine was a powerful nation not to be messed with.

I started to back Panic Attacks that my daughters are gonna be dead. Tai even came to help me calm down, Qrow and Raven were watching the news and they were also shocked. 

Back to Arctic.

The Battle of Atlas is over, We got more enemies ahead than that. JNPR joined as soon as they knew Team RWBY cheated on me, I agreed. The next thing we are worried about is the Forces of Salem and the White Fang. This is just beginning of the Remnant war. (Ukraine vs Remnant: Remnant War II)

Well boys, another book, I might write a next chapter of preparations of Battle of the White Fang, Arctic will have to make preparations for few months before the battle starts. Team RWBY are in depressed mode, nothing makes them happy, they lost their love of their life. Becoming General and Taking the 2 most important Academies.

Arctic out.

Glory for Ukraine. (Cheater RWBY x Ukrainian Soldier Male!OC Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat