Chapter 35: alone

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His empty eyes meet mine. I can't tell if he was irritated or angry or completely fine with me speaking but whatever he felt, his eyes give nothing away. "Your sad excuse of a brothers title and territory." He states and my face falls.

Grayson refuses to look at me. He handed me over to the man that I've been told calling him psychopathic was an understatement- he has tortured his own children, killed countless people, and is all around a terrible man. He handed me to him in exchange for a crown and some land and he doesn't even have the balls to look at me.

Lucien holds out his hand for Grayson and I watch this son of a bitch shake his hand. "He's smart. He knows what he wants and he went for it. And in the process gave me you." He points to me stepping closer and closer to me. "My full blood daughter. I have high hopes for you Morgan. Very high hopes." His smile doesn't reach his eyes and makes my insides recoil.

I swallow. "What about her?" I motion to Victoria with my head. "Why?" I glance over at her quickly and she refuses to look at me as well.

"She wanted that man back. She helps deliver you to me, she gets Peter back."

"Pierce." Victoria corrects.

And she gave me over to go get tortured by this man for a boyfriend from 3 centuries ago.

"I don't care." He says. "On to more important matters. I've been told that Kendrick is responsible for the attempts on your life." He says staring at me awaiting an answer but I'm physically and verbally paralyzed right now. "Answer me, girl." He orders.

"Yes." I faintly say. Anything resembling confidence or any kind of strength I possessed deflated from me leaving only anger and fear. However letting my anger lead the way I know will end badly, although letting my fear lead isn't resulting in anything good either.

The corner of lips tug downwards. He glances me over, clearly disapproving of the lack of conviction in my voice answering him. "We have a lot of work to do, don't we?" He looks over to some people standing over by a small door in the large room. "I'd like to get a baseline now." He says as he does a come here motion with his hands.

One of the people knocks on the door and a few seconds later it opens. With tape covering her mouth, the muffled screams of this random woman fill the room as the man drags her closer to me and Lucien. Lucien takes hold of her moving her in front of me. "Kill her."

My heart sinks. "What?"

"Did I stutter?" That nerve wracking smile crosses his face again.

"No. I won't kill her." I say.

His smile drops. "I don't think you want to start our relationship off by disobeying me." He says stepping in between me and the girl, continuing to hold her in place with his one hand.

I shake my head. "I will not kill her." I say and I feel the back of his hand crack across my face. Before I could even register the backhand he clutches my face.

"You will. Right now." He says. "Show me you're not as weak as I think you are." His stare sears through my body almost as effectively and painfully as sage. He aggressively lets go of my face. "Now." He throws the girl into me. She looks at me with such fear. Tears welling in her eyes mirroring mine. Through a look she pleads with me to not listen to him. "She's going to die regardless. Either you do it or I, but something tells me you'd be gentler."

I look to Victoria for god knows what reason and she nods at me. "Now Morgan!" He commands. I don't even feel my heart anymore- it's beating so fast.

With a sharp pinch my fangs elongate in my mouth. I look at the girl again and she begins screaming hysterically into the tape. "I'm sorry." I say.

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