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The Next Day...


Zip, toss, rip...

The next morning, we decide to pack up early and get ready to finally head home. We gather up all of our clothing, our posters and our plushies. Then we get ready to say goodbye to our friends at the X Academy (AKA Felicie and I guess Trouble and Tadami. But Mamoru said he wanted to come with us, soo)...

We each give out hugs to our close friends, and say our goodbyes. When we set off to home, I can feel Hisano holding my hand, and Manoru holding hers.

I feel my face turning a bright red when she touches me. Since yesterday, all I could think about is how good it feels to be able to hold Hisanso hand again and to be able to hug her again. That part I really missed.

To me, it feels like it doesn't take to long to make it to Sycamore Street, (Which is where I live). I look for a grayish, blue house, with the number 25 on it.

But because it kinda stands out a bit, it doesn't take long for the color of my house to pop up right in front of my eyes.

(I don't know why my parents would pick out a place that stands out with the bluish color a bit, either they're wanting to get robbed, or maybe they just thought at the time, that having a blue house would be fun). But honestly, I don't care because it's my home.

With Hisano and Mamoru, the three of us go up the steps of the front porch and they stand behind me as I gentally knock on the gray door. We all patiently wait for someone to answer.

The door then swings open, and we see a woman, with green eyes, freckles and long blond hair. I notice that she's wearing a silver cross necklace, and fingerless fishnet gloves to, with an exposed sholder, light blue shirt and black slippers with blue pants.

I look at her in awe, "it's my mother", I think to myself. My mother is the one who answered the door. I even notice the shock expression on her face, but then the shock slowly turns into relief.

She sighs and in her soft voice she asks, "Haru, is that you, has my son finally returned home safe?"

My eyes begin to tear up a bit, as do hers. I respond, "Yes Mom, I'm home." Then, out of no where, hot tears start streaming down her face and I feel her arms wrap around my body.

"Haru, we were so worried about you, father and I were looking for you all over the place. We thought you were kidnapped or that you ran away or worse!"

"I'm so sorry for not being there for you enough as a parent to protect you." She says with a sob, "I feel like the worst parent, I just hope some day you can give us a second chance."

"I'm so sorry." I hug her back and tell her that I forgive the both of them and that both Hisano and I are back now, so she has nothing to worry about. I even apologize for scaring her and dad, and just tell her that we would have to catch up on everything once we get in the house.

She agrees, and then goes to give Hisano a huge hug too, saying that she's also glad to see her safe. Then Mom asks me who the blue haired boy is, Hisano and I both laugh, as we go to introduce Mamoru to her.

"Oh, he is just a friend who we've met while we were gone. Mom, this is Mamour, Mamoru this is my mother Yuna Hamada." He reaches to shake her hand,"good to meet you Mrs. Hamada" he says. My mother shakes his hand back, and says "It's a pleasure to be meeting you too Mamoru".

We walk in the house to see My father, who seems to be busy doing something in the kitchen. My mom tells him the good news that I'm back. He rushes in and as soon as he sees me, he gives me a big hug. "We missed you Haru", he says to me, "I know", I respond back.

My mom goes into the kitchen for a moment, I see a high chair and she comes back with a baby in her hands. "Haru, one last thing I need to mention before you tell us your story, This is your baby brother Seijun." She says with a slight smile.

My face lights up a bit, he has brow messy blond hair, green eyes, and freckles. My little brother is adorable!!!!

From there, we catch up and tell my parents everything that happened, from beginning to end. But of course we had to perk things up a bit with what happened and leave out the whole being infused thing, (even though, that takes up the whole entire story pretty much.)

As we are telling our story to them, my parents are worried from all of this... But in the end, they're just glad to have us back.

A couple of years pass by, Hisano, Mamoru and I are now in a poly relationship. We also now have a new, small, black/brown dog, with green and blue eyes named Nub. (He has that name because of his nub arm, and he's so cute!)

Also, My baby brother (Seijun), is all grown up and a teenager now, and my parents have to deal with that. (Ha ha good luck!) Okay in all seriousness though, Hero came out being a good kid, but the only problem is that he is a huge science geek and I just hope he doesn't become a psychopathic mad scientist... Just kidding, he's good.

Anyways, in the end, everything ended up being good after all. We are still good friends with Felicie, and she is working at The Crescent Moon Cafe. She even has a new girl friend now named Rose!

Also, Lilith, aka Trouble, is now using her wiccan powers for helping sick people again, and she is still living with Tadami of course.

Also, Tadami is still a science teacher at the X Academy, and he is still doing his crazy experiments. (But not everyone can change I guess).

"So it turns out everyone did end up getting their happy endings after all!"

"Now that's a perfect life to live"...

(Dear readers, My name is Nightmare and this is my ending of Split H. I hope you enjoyed my story and thank you for reading it! 8D Ps, sorry it took a long time to post the last 4 parts, I just had a hard time figuring out how to write it a bit. Also, I am deciding on making a new story after this, so I hope you enjoy reading my new story as well. Thanks Again! Wove you all!) <3

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