Friends or Foes

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Its only day two of being room-mates with H, and yet I still have so many questions about them. I have questions like, where did H come from?, or how did H lose their arm?, or whats H's family like, dose H even have a family?, What was H's life like before coming to the X Academy?...

Are they nice? or is H a mean person? Is H popular with a lot of friends at home, or is H lonely?

lt's only natural for a person to be meeting someone, and wanting to know more about them. Although there's just something about H that I just cant put my finger on. Maybe it's just me overthinking things again, but I feel like that there is something major that H is hiding from everyone... including me.

It's because of this feeling towards why I'm a bit obsessed over H at the moment. I want to know more about them and how they truly are. I want to know if H is a friend or foe... but I'm hoping that they're not foe.


It's day two of being at the X Academy, and so far things have been well, but there are two specific people whom I'm unsure about. One of them is the science teacher ( Mr. Mazoku), and our room-mate (Mamoru).

I don't know why but I just couldn't stop thinking about them all night. All though, in order for us to get through the day, I'm just gonna have to try and block those thoughts about them out of my head.

I notice that Mamoru is all ready up, and getting ready for the school day. He looks at me.... "Oh, your awake, good morning H." He says to me with a slight smile on his face. I respond back to him stuttering... "O...Oh.. G...Good morning M...Mamoru." Suddenly a slight pause of awkward silence happens between us, but then I can here his phone making a buzzing sound.

I check his phone for him before I let him know that he got a text from a girl named Nani. " Nani: "Okay, well I miss you and hope you have a good day. Love you MB." After reading that text, I tease him saying that he got a text from his girlfriend.

"What?!" He replies to me bewilderingly. "Oh, you mean my older sister Nani?" "Yeah, I don't have a girlfriend so that was probably just sister." He explains to me reassuringly. "Oh, okay..." I say to him confirming, then handing him the phone to answer his text. He says thank you, then replies to his older sister. I then hesitantly ask him a question about his nick name from his older sis. "S...So... What dose MB mean?" I ask. He pauses for a moment, and his face turns red.

'Umm, I'd rather not answer that.." He says embarrassed. "I start to smirk. "Okay!", I say with a chuckle. "Now I really need to know what MB means!" He starts to get even more embarrassed and refuses again. We argue about this back and forth, until finaly he freaks out and shouts, "IT MEANS MORU BEAR!"... I try not to laugh. His face is now as red as an apple. I brake down bursting out in laughter and tears. Mamoru gets angry at me. I try to side with him while laughing still. "Ha!... S...Sorry Mamoru, but that names just too cute!" "Moru Bear, Moru Bear..." "Ha!" He yells at me to shut up, and tells me that only Nani can call him that. I tell him that he's stuck with the nickname now, and that this is a battle he isn't gonna win. Mamoru sighs and agrees that he doesn't feel like arguing over it right now.

After we agree to not get into another stupid argument, it is time for us to go to our first class. After seeing this side of him, I can tell that maybe there is a chance that we could end up being friends after all. Now that I've figured out that I can maybe try and trust him, It is still just my science teacher whom I'm suspicious of.

Who knows though, maybe I'll learn to slowly except him as well. 

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