Finally Me

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Where we left off....

Flashes of colors...

Blacks out, Thud!...



My eyes slowly begin to open... Confused, I wake up to find myself laying on the ground, blinded by bright lights again.... I can't remember for a moment of where I am.......

Suddenly, I can here the sound of two voices calling out to me. "It worked!" "Glad to see at least you're awake kid!"

I recognize the voices, and start to remember what had happened. I look down at my own pail, bare body, and then I realize that I have two arms again.

I get excited, noticing that I have my own body back again. I go to turn towards Hisano, to tell her that we have our bodies back again. But when I look at her, I go to face in her direction, but I then notice her unconscious.

I call out for her, Hisano?...

Hisano?!... Oh crap!....

I rush over to lift her head up, and see if she's alright. I go to feel her pulse, she's still breathing... I sigh, and start to speak to her a bit, "You're going to be okay... okay, just please wake up for me."

As I'm speaking to Hisano's unconscious body, I can feel someone wrapping a blanket around us. In a gentle voice, Trouble says, "You should probably cover yourselves a bit loves"...

I thank her for the blanket, and then thank both Tadami and her for all of the help that they did. They ask me if maybe it would be better putting her in a bed to rest, but I just reply saying that I just wanted to be left alone, holding her  a bit.

As they leave the room, I continue holding Hisano, waiting for her to awaken. I find myself repeating my words a bit,"Edgy, just please wake up okay, we've made it through this long, I just can't imagine a life without you in it."

"I know I'm sounding over dramatic about you being unconscious, but it's just, I heard what you said about liking me when we were H and I also heard the part about you liking Mamoru."

"I was waiting for the right time to tell you this but, I like you back okay, and I don't mind being in a poly relationship with both you and him... Just as long as I get to have you in my life still."

My eyes start watering a bit, and my face turns bright red as I'm telling her how I feel. In a sobbing, soft voice I say, "So please, just wake up, okay."

Suddenly, as I'm speaking to her, I start to notice her face twitching a bit. "She's waking up", I think to my self with tears of joy. She slowly opens her eyes, and stutters on her words a bit.

"B.. Bunny, i... is that you Bunny?"

"Do we finally have our bodies back?"

A bright smile appears on my face, "Yes Edgy, we have our bodies back!" I reply to her in delight. She also smiles a bit.

"You know, I could slightly hear every word you said"... She says with a small laugh, "So is it true, do you really like me back, are you really okay with everything I said?"

I start to also laugh a bit, "Of course Edgy, I mean every word of it!" "I told you before, no matter what, I want to be with you till the very end." I reply with a grin, she smiles back a bit.

Suddenly, we're interrupted by two other people walking into the room we are in.

"H, you did it, you got your bodies back again!"

"Boy with long blond hair and blue eyes... Girl with short black/Burnett hair, and a missing arm... Haru and Hisano..."

"Felicie, is this them? are these the two friends you call H?"

The voices are Felicie and Mamoru. As soon as Felicie sees the both of us, she immediately rushes over to hug us!.... And at first, Mamoru seems a little unsure about it, but he then joins the hug to.

They both explain to us about how they were worried and looking all over the place to find us. And Mamoru even mentions about how Felicie had already told him about us two being H.

They came over here to save us and I kid of feel a bit happy, knowing that we have friends like them who actually concern for both Hisano and me.

Actually, today, I'm grateful for everything. I'm grateful to have great friends. I'm grateful to have Tadami and Trouble help us get our bodies back.

I'm grateful to have to look forward to seeing my parents when we get home! (Even though, in the past, they were never home for me ).

But most importantly, I'm grateful to have Hisano forever by my side still.

When Trouble and Tadami hear Felicie and Mamour talking to us, they come back in the room to see us all hugging and crying with tears of joy.

Trouble comes back with clothes for Hisano and I to wear, "here, you two might wanna get dressed before you head off to go home again. ¨ She says to us and at the same time, our faces turn red, as she hands us our clothes to wear.

We are both embarrassed, but every one just starts to laugh a bit. We quickly get dressed, and then say thanks again to them, as we walk out the door with our friends, heading back to the X Academy to gather our things.... So that tomorrow morning, we leave and head home again.

Finally Home, I just can't wait to see my family again.....


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