Meeting the Kitty Demon

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Ring..... Ring........

"That's the bell"...

"I guess it's time for us to be going to our second period class."

First period reading has just ended, and I start getting ready for my second period Art class. I hurry up to grab all of my reading books as Mamoru is waiting for me.

As soon as I have all of my stuff, we start walking through the crowded hallways, for our next class. As we're passing by, I accidentally bump my self into someone.

Looking around, I'm trying to find the person who I bumped into, so that I can apologize to them, but I don't know were they are. Suddenly, I hear a high - pitched voice of a little girl, calling out to me...

"Hey, I'm down here you know!" I look down, and I see a girl as small as a dwarf, looking up at me. She also has an X Academy uniform on, but her red/black, plaid skirt has black mesh, and ruffles trimmed at the ends of it. She also has purple sneakers/stalkings with an x pattern on them, that matches the color of her eyes. She even has cute red/brown hair that is put up in ponytails/buns that look like pine cones.

I stutter for a moment to find my words, I can't get over how tiny and cute she is... Finally I come back into reality, and start apologizing, for bumping in to her. She tells me that it's fine and that she's sorry too.

Then Mamoru whispers into my ear about something, He tells me to be careful with her, because he's afraid that I'm befriending the "Kitty Demon". I try and keep myself from laughing though, because I can tell that she's embarrassed from it, because of her face turning red.

I begin to ask why her nick-name is ¨Kitty Demon¨, but then she answers my question for me, before I even get a chance to ask it.

"It's because when I'm happy, I'm compared to a kitten, but when I'm upset, they compare me to a demon when I'm mad."

"That's why my nick-name is kitty Demon." "But if your wondering what my real name is, my name is Felicie."

I pause for a moment, then complement her. "Felicie." I echo. "That's a cute name, Felicie, I think that name suits you very well." I pause..."By the way, I'm H."

She thanks me for the complementing her name, and then states that my name is interesting to her. I notice while she's talking to me, that she has a worried expression on her face. I'm wondering what is the matter with her, but for some reason, I'm hesitant to ask.

Just then, I feel Mamoru tapping my shoulder. "Hey, we have to go." He say eagerly to me.

We both then say our good byes, and head to our next classes. (In art class, we basically just watched videos about different shapes/three dimensions, for learning how to use shapes, when it comes to sculpting our animal sculptures).

Skipping through third and forth periods,(Math and Social Studies),we are now having lunch. I'm sitting on the roof with my roomie again, eating a P, B, and J sandwich, while he's having wonton soup.

Then, out of no where, I see Felicie coming towards us. I go to say hi, but then she cuts me off, saying that we need to talk. She has a serious look on her face. I look at Mamoru, and then look at her again. I then get up, and start following her into a more private room, for us to talk.

I ask her what is the matter, but then she starts telling me that she knows my secret. I pause for a moment dumbfounded, shocked. I have no Idea what she's talking about, because we have just met, and no one was supposed to know that my friend and I are infused together.

I begin to nervous chuckle a bit and then ask her what she means by saying that she knows my secret. She then just tells me that she some how does know that I am not just one person, but two people combined as one. She then says that she wants to help Haru and I get our bodies back.

I have mixed emotions about this, how could she know all of this, if we have never even seen each other before? could she be someone from our old school perhaps? Or maybe a girl from our same old neighborhood? Or is she a victim of the lab too perhaps?

Maybe the third one might make the most sense. If so, then what happened to her, and how was she able to stumble upon it? Was she also in the woods when it happened? So many questions and yet so little answers. I'm still unable to comprehend all of this.

Then she starts to speak again. "Look, I know that you have a lot of questions, but honestly, I'm not really able to fully explain/understand how I know this either." "So I know its hard/far-fetched, but if you want my help, your gonna have to just trust me okay."

"Look, just understand for now that when I first saw you, you looked familiar to me, and that I could feel a negative energy coming off of you."

"So from that, some how I was able to tell, that your body wasn't natural." "So I know that it's confusing right now, but I need to know if you can trust me about this?" She begs desperately to help.

Although the story may seem far-fetched and very confusing, I'm also very desperate/determined to get our bodies back.

(Haru is desperate as well). So without even thinking about it a lot, we both just decide to hesitantly say yes.

As I say yes, a slight grin of relief appears on Felicies face.

I'm not really sure if we've made the right decision on jumping right into trusting her yet (especially since her nick-name is Kitty Demon).

But at the same time, I'll do anything to get our bodies back.... and fast.


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