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Tuesday October 20, 2013...

When I woke up, I found myself in an unfamiliar, dark room.

I can no longer feel Mamoru by my side. I panicked, "Could this be a bad dream?", I thought to my self, while looking around to see my surroundings.

I feel myself handcuffed to a different bed, and I was surrounded by pitch black. I couldn't see a thing of what was happening around me...

Suddenly, I hear a voice... It's Troubles voice, and I think she's talking to Mr. Mazoku about something. But I'm half asleep still, so I can't make out what they are saying...

Then I hear footsteps of someone walking into the room and suddenly, again, I'm blinded by lights... To me this moment feels like deja vu... Except this time, when I open my eyes, it is a figure of a girl who's in front of me... And not him.

Trouble looks different, instead of wearing her X Academy uniform, she's wearing just a black cloak, with a hood with a light blue gem on it, and chains with skulls attached to them.

"Oh, looks like sleeping beauty has finally awoken." She says with a tease, "How was your rest, were you comfortable?"

I give her a mean glare...

"First of all, where am I?"

"Second of all, why am I chained up to your bed?"

"Third of all, what in the hell are you planning on doing with us now."

"Fourth of all, what have you done with Mamoru?"

I ask her furiously, "I want to know if he's safe!"

Pause... She grins for a moment,

"First of all, I was ordered to kidnap you in your sleep, and the chaining you up to the bed Idea was just something to make sure you wouldn't run away before we've had a chance to talk"...

"Second of all, we haven't done anything to you yet, nor do we have the intentions to hurt you. We simply just want to talk to you, but we know that you won't come willingly if we just ask to talk, so instead we to decide to do this."

"Third of all, there's no need to worry your pretty little doll face about your precious boy friend. We have him still sleeping peacefully in his own little bed at home."

"So there, does that answer all of your questions kid?" She asks with a smirk.

I still don't get it, should I really trust her with saying that Mamoru is okay?... And what does she mean by "we just want to talk"?

If that's really the case, then why go as far as chaining me to a bed just to have a conversation?

With Trouble, I feel like her reasons for handcuffing me to the bed is more just for her weird perks, than simply just for making sure that I don't run away....

But honesty it's a clever idea considering I only have one arm, so I can't escape.

"Yeah, one last question, what exactly do you mean by talk?" I ask her suspiciously, in a sober, firm voice.

Her slight smirk turns into the grin of a Cheshire Cat, "Just wanted to see if we could figure out how to put things under the bridge, and learn to trust. That's all"

Her words left me dumbfounded, what does she mean "put things under the bridge and learn to trust"?

Is this her way of messing with our heads because it's working a bit.

I can't figure out what their true plans are with her talking to me like this."

"I know you're confused about everything, but I swear, everything will make since in the end." she says to me reassuringly. "We are waiting for my master, so you just need to be patient."

But I'm impatient, so I just pass time by asking her more questions, so that I could get a hint of whats going on. Some questions are a little random though I'll admit, probably from boredom.

"You are wearing a cloak, what are you hiding underneath there, or is that just your choice of style outside of school?" I ask.

She smiles and takes off her cloak, Underneath is a pair of black horns, demon wings, and a devils tail. "So her true form is a demon?" I think to myself, "I guess that explains her name being Trouble."

She also has on black fish nets, with black heels, a bra and a skirt. Well that outfit oddly makes sense for her taste in style...

"I'm a demon she explains, but before that, I was different"...


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