The Wiccan Lilith

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Where we left off.....

Removes cloak.......

"I'm a demon, but before that, I was different"...

"Different, what do you mean by different, are you talking about a past life or something?" I ask her dumbfounded... Then she begins to tell me her whole story....


"A long time ago between 1692 and 1693, before I died, I was a wiccan named Lilith."

"I used to believe that if I'd use my special powers for good, then maybe I could prove to people that wiccans aren't as bad as they say we are in their make believe stories told."

"I used to combine specific herbs like basil and sage into a bowl, and used them to help heal the sick and injured."

"I cared for people, and prayed for their lives to be happy and better than they were."

"I loved seeing the smiles on their faces, when they were healed form their sickness and misfortune."

"I even wanted to be excepted by everyone else some day. So that I could become a doctor and have the satisfaction of helping millions of others, and seeing the smiles on their faces as well."

"Unfortunately though, back then, society didn't work in the same way as the fantasy world in my mind did."

"People were afraid of wiccans, and would accuse them of witch craft and of being witches. Everyone knows that if you were accused of witch craft back then, then you'd most likely not live."

"Because of there fear and hatred against wiccans, people would often form angry mobs, and admittedly sentence us to a painful death."

"It was on October 31, when they sentence me to death. I was burnt to stake in the small town of Chusei."

"I was upset to see all of the faces of hatred staring at me, as the flesh on my body was slowly melting from the flames. Even the faces of those who I've helped watched me suffer, without saying a thing."

"I was then sent to heaven for a little while, but I didn't last there for very long. I was angry and God could feel my intense hatred towards those who did me wrong. He knew that my heart was full of vexation.¨

¨I didn't understand how those people could be so overcritical and blinded by fear of someone who hasten even done any real harm to them. I wanted them to pay for miss judging my kind, and sentencing them to unnecessary humiliation and suffering.¨

¨God knew this,  so to make sure that I wouldn't  put my thoughts into actions, he tried distracting me with false hopes and wonders... But since I still wouldn't listen to him, he banished me to hell, as a final precaution, for making sure that I wouldn't send curses upon others instead of blessings.¨

"Eventually, I figured out how to return to earth in my new body, I was lonely for a long time, everything is different now, and I didn't know how to fit in"...

"Thankfully my master, Tadami found me on the streets. And he took me in and helped give my life meaning again."

"Now my purpose for living is only for him, and it has been that way ever since. Because of him saving my life, I am now forever in his debt."

"So... I guess now that you know my story, well I hope that all answers your question."


I pause for a moment, I just can't comprehend all of this. She's claiming to be a wiccan before she was a demon... And she is claiming to be innocent but then why was she sent to hell, if she never put her negative thoughts into action?

Her story just seems off a bit, she's saying that she was sent to hell for wanting to get revenge on the people who hurt her and other Wiccas...  But isn't that just called her wanting justice for unfairness? 

Now she has possessed a girls body to live on earth again, (even though people on earth were the ones who sent her to hell in the first place).

Also she claims to suddenly be saved by Tadami, (which is who I'm assuming is the mad scientist? She also refers to him as her ¨master¨ a lot? What's that all about?)....

I don't over think it to much, and I nod my head yes...

I'm still anxious to know what they want, and why they've kidnapped us...

I want to know whether or not if they are going to hurt us, or if they are gonna try and experiment on us again....

Or maybe, just maybe...

They haven't caused harm or done anything weird to us yet, all that has happen so for is just getting to know a sad back story about Trouble/Lilith's past...

So could it be possible that they are simply just trying to get us to trust them by telling there sad back stories to us, so that we could sympathize with them and become their friend?

Are they trying to get us on their side so that we could trust them, and are they doing this because they are trying to say that they want to help us, or am I just over thinking things again?

But if my hypothesis is correct, then all we have to do is just listen to them and learn to trust them, so that they could become our friends, and then they could help us get our bodies back....

Wait, stupid...

What am I saying?, They are the enemy, there's no way that they would be willing to do all of this....

But then, what if I'm wrong about that?...

I guess we'll just have to wait and see for ourselves then, about their plan....

I know it's stupid, but I hope my hypothesis about this is correct.......


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