School Tour With our Roomie

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Picks up from where we left off...

"Hi".... Mamoru says to me. Haru and I both pause for a moment observing / noticing different things about our new roomie. He seemed to be like a tall kid with blackish blue hair, bright yellow eyes, and wearing round, black glasses.

He was also wearing a half tucked in, white shirt, with a loose red tie around his collar, black pants with black, white tennis shoes, and he had his black X-Academy coat over his shoulder. We also noticed that he had dark bags under his eyes from looking up close, and that he was also wearing black, fingerless gloves, and a necklace of black string with a gold ring attached to it.

Well after a moment of awkward silence between us, He finally speaks up and asks, "Is everything okay H?" Haru and I quickly snap back into reality and begin to stutter a bit while answering, "O... Oh umm.... s... sorry, just zoned out a bit." "My bad didn't mean to do that to you.

" There's another small moment of silence, but then Mamoru replies, "Oh, It's fine." Well we should probably be getting to class now anyways." He smiles again. We smile back at him as we begin to say, "Oh, okay." And then were taken to our first class.

For the most part, I cant really explain much about any of the other classes that we have with Mamoru, because when Haru and I first got here, we were mostly just planing on focusing on paying attention to science class more than other classes we have.

Though of course, for us the only reason why we thought that was a good idea, was because we thought that knowing things about science could be useful for trying to figure out how to get our bodies back. (So most of the time we were just getting yelled at to pay attention in class through out most of the day.)

Finally, It was science class, and we were ready to be paying attention to every little details, as much as possible. When we did this though, We could tell from the way he was looking at us, that Mamoru was a bit confused towards why we were so interested in science class, but not any other class. When he asked us about it at the end of the day though, we simply just replied that we're science geeks. After that he says nothing but just a simple, "That makes sense."

At the end of our first day of high school, besides feeling uncomfortable around a bunch of new people, the day felt like any other normal school day, and we were at least relieved about that. Although, something else felt weird to me. In science, it could just be me, or maybe Haru noticed it too, but meeting our science teacher Mr. Mazoku, He seemed kinda familiar to me in a way that I just couldn't put my finger on it.

In fact knowing this feeling, it kinda bugged me all night that I felt like I knew the teacher form somewhere, but where?....... 

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