Haru's Past

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Where we left off.......

BANG! BANG!.... Crying...

These are the sounds that still haunt me today, although, it would probably make more since if we were to start at the very beginning.

It all started one lonely Friday night on October 13, 2010, I was 10 years old and my parents were working night shift, which left me home alone again. It was my bedtime, so I was trying peacefully sleep in my bed, when suddenly I heard my door crack open.

I could see a dark, mysterious looking figure of an unfamiliar, old man, who was standing in the door-well, right in front of me. I was scared, and and felt myself shaking/trembling a lot, as if I were sitting in a very chilly room. I didn't really know what to do. He started to approach me, I could see his quiet feet were tiptoeing very cautiously, as he was making his way towards me.

He got closer, and closer, when suddenly I could then feel his body pressing against mine. I couldn't breath, he was trying to rape me. I felt like I was supper glued to the bed in terror, because I wasn't able move, because of how petrified I was. To make things worse, even though I felt frozen in place, all of my senses were were still highly active... But take that and multiply it times one million!

I could taste nothing but salt from the sweat and tears streaming down my face. The sounds of my own high pitched screaming and moaning pierced my ears, so loud, that I almost thought that blood was dipping from them. There was intense pain in my chest, that felt like a huge bolder was crushing my body. My legs and lower body felt very numb and uncomfortable too, from the position he had me in..... 

I felt like all I could do was pant heavily, and cry, until at the last moment, I gathered up my courage to push him off of me. I hurried up and rushed to my closet to grab the hunting gun that I had in there. I was shaking a lot, but I managed to shoot the man dead.

I was terrified from what I had done, I sat on the bed, clutching my pillow and cried for a moment. I then calmed my self down a bit and went to grab a knife, and trash bag from the kitchen. I chopped him up into pieces, so that it could be easier for me to put different parts of his body into separate trash bags, so that I could dispose of him.

After handling that, I scrubbed the blood off of the hard, wooden floors, and then cleaned myself up for bed. I went to sleep crying because of what had happened, and swearing to myself that I would never tell my parents of this event.

I've been having breathing problems since then, but It happens less when I'm with my best friend.... I told my self that I wouldn't tell her about this as well, and I never did tell her about it.

At least I never thought I'd have to, till now.....

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