Plotting Out Our New Plan

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The next day....

Sunday, October 18, 2013, It is the weekends still, and we are planing out different ways of how we are going to plot against Mr. Mazoku, and Trouble, without getting caught.

Of course, Trouble is watching us still, so we have to be careful when it comes to discussing our plans of doing so as well... So far, the only plan we have is just paying attention to them every day in school/recording them outside of school as well, so that we could see there wicked schemes on camera too.

Although it's a good plan, we still need to figure out how we're going to do it without getting caught, and we need to figure out what we're going to do from there as well.

If we are going to outsmart the spy/enemy, then we need to "think outside the box," like our enemy.

"We should pretend to act like our normal selves, and then be sneaky and hide cameras when their not looking as well."

"Also, during classes, try and act like your not paying attention in them and just drawing or something... But in reality your taking secret notes of the information that you need to know."

"Like when your in math, or reading, or social studies, pretend that your zoning out in class (like usual), and then just write down the lessons that their teaching you in that class, so that you could know them." Felicie says to me...

"Or, when you're in a situation when you're near Mr. Mazoku, pretend that your just geeking out about science or something, and then as he is talking to you, or Trouble, try and pick up on signs of what he's doing through his actions/choice of words." She suggests, in a serious manor.

I agree with her/everything that she's saying for me to do, but I'm still trying to process how I'm going to make all of that work....

So basically, she's telling me to act like my normal self, but also try and be sneaky, and act a bit like a secret agent, or ninja, or something like that.... Well, I guess I can handle that....

We continue to make suggestions about this topic of "spying on our spy" until about the time when the sky is full of stars, and the street lights are on... Then Felicie tells me that she has to go.......

"Okay H, I It's dark outside, so usually I have to go home when the street lights are on, unless you want me to spend the night?" She asks...

I pause for a moment, and then I speak again.... "W...Well, I mean if you want to sleep over you can, but if you have to be home by now, I can walk you home then?" I mumble to her...

Her face turns a bright pink from her embarrassment, but then she mumbles back at me...

"S... sure I don't mind you walking me home"... "H...honestly, I get anxiety sometimes when it comes to walking home alone in the dark, so thank you." She stutters in a low, soft voice.

"Your welcome." I reply kindly...

I slip on both my black boots, and a soft, black rain coat "because it's raining outside", and with her, we both walk out the door. I know it sounds a little silly, but I try and be courteous to her and hold the door open, so that she could walk out first.

She giggles a bit, and then says thank You, as she walks out the door. I'm now walking down the dim lighted streets with her, as I'm asking her where she lives...

"25 Pine cone Street, near The Crescent Moon Cafe." She says... "It's great, I go there to get coffee every morning!" She says with a laugh. I laugh with her a bit... "Okay." I reply with a small smirk on my face, still chuckling....

As we continue to stroll down streets to her house, I look at the sky full of twinkling stars, and a bright, full moon. The cool breeze blows in our direction... It's still drizzling, but it's also still a beautiful nigh for a stroll....

It's quiet out side, I'm enjoying the peaceful moment with Felicie... Suddenly, I feel her grab my hand, I get awkward for a moment, and can feel my face burning up a bit. I haven't had someone hold my hand like this since Haru and I used to hold hands...

"Sorry" She mumbles, "For some reason I just felt like grabbing your hand"...

"It's okay." I reply. "I don't mind it a lot," I start to calm down... "Good" She says back...

We continue to hold hands for the rest of the walk, when suddenly I see the cafe.... "There," she points, that's The Crescent Moon Cafe, and there's my house across from it"...

Her home is tiny, and made of red brick, and flowers surrounding it... (#25), I read in my mind, because the numbers are painted big on a wooden board, next to her door. "Okay." I say...

I walk her up the steps, up to her front door, and then we both say good night.... I then walk back to my own place.... I live in an apartment now, with two normal looking bedrooms, two bathrooms, (upstairs one with a bath tub, downstairs one with a shower), a small kitchen, and living room... "Okay so all of the rooms are small, and plain for right now, but at least it's better than nothing"...

The guest bedroom isn't festive much, but I bought some tiny things for my own bedroom to make it feel a bit like home.... I go inside my room full of cute plushies, and horror movie/anime posters. I immediately leap on to my sort of soft/firm, queen size bed...

I close my eyes and try and go to sleep... It's been a long day of plotting out ideas for our new plan, and all I wanna do is sleep right now...

As I close my eyes to sleep, I flash back to a memory of Haru and I when he was first showing me his favorite tree house.

In the memory, I remember our old nicknames that we've had for each other... Haru used to call me Edgy, and my nickname for him was Bunny....

"We haven't called each other our nicknames for a while"...

I smile a bit as I drift my self to sleep, and as I fall asleep, I whisper....


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