Chapter 23

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Y/n's POV

After calling the church, the five of us meet on the first floor by the shoe lockers. Saber explained what had happened after we ran down to the first floor, further explaining that it wasn't Caster herself that she fought, but her shadow.

"I see then Caster hasn't set foot out of Ryuudou temple. And knowing her, she manipulated Shinji to lure Rider into a trap." Shirou says, looking glum.

"So you believe that Rider was killed out of deception?" Saber asks.

"Crap." The resident idiot says. "At least we know that Caster's master is someone right here at this school."

"I'm sorry, but did no one tell him before the incident?" Assassin asks, causing me to remember something.

I completely forgot to tell Shirou about what Assassin said!

"Sorry Shirou, but Assassin already knew about the 4th, well I guess I should say 5th, master at our school. I meant to tell you and Rin, but I only managed to tell Rin..." I explain, twiddling my fingers as I do so. My face was heating up from embarrassment.

"It's fine, Y/n. We had a lot going on, so it makes sense that you didn't get a chance to tell me." He forgives me, making me thank the heavens for making him so forgiving.

"Speaking of Caster's master, there's only two people it could be now that I think about it." Assassin continues. I could tell she was annoyed by the tone of her voice. I didn't blame her either since Shirou had pointed out what we all thought was the obvious only yesterday.

Anyway, as I think on her words, the two suspects come to mind. "Issei and Souichirou sensei!" Rin and I blurt out upon realization.

"Are you saying the master's one of them?" Shirou asks Assassin, seeming put off by this accusation.

"Think about, Emiya. They both live in Ryuudou temple, where Caster's reciding. It only makes sense." She points out, turning to look at him. "Anyway, since help's on the way, I'm going into my spirit form. Don't worry, I'll stay near by incase you guys are attacked again."

And with that, she goes into her spirit form.

"Um... Emiya." Rin says, getting his attention.

"What is it, Tohsaka? If you have something to say, just say it." He tells her, almost as if he was annoyed.

"How were you so level headed?" She asks, cutting straight to the point.

"I wasn't calm. If anything, I wasn't in control of myself."

"Still, you did better than Rin and I both. You went straight to checking on everyone, making sure they were still breathing. Neither Rin or I thought about doing that." I cut in, pointing out how level headed the guy was.

"I guess I'm just used to dead bodies." He says, confusing me.

What did he mean he was used to dead bodies? Was Assassin right about him when she talked to me last night? In that case, how did she know? Was it just a lucky guess, or was it something else?

"What do you mean?" I asked, but he ignores me, looking out the window instead of answering.

I look out too, out of curiosity, only to see ambulances outside. This wasn't good. If they saw us, then they'd think we caused what happened here.

"Let's go out the back." Shirou suggests, to which the rest of us agree.

"Shirou, wait!" Saber calls out, earning Shirou's attention and causing us all to stop. She moves in front of Shirou, summoning her weapon as if ready for battle.

Was there another servant here?

"I'm surprised to see Saber with you." You voice of Archer says, before he materializes in front of us.

"Archer! Why did you wait so long to finally show up here?!" Rin asks, ignoring the obvious.

"Why? Can't you tell I rushed here as soon as I sensed the threat. Looks like I'm too late." He excuses himself, which doesn't seem to sit well with Rin.

"Yeah, it's pretty much all over now!" Rin says with an attitude. "But I'm going to fill you in on everything that just happened! And you're going to sit there and listen to every single detail!"

"Rin, as much as I'd love to hear you give Archer an earful, now really isn't the best time." I try to calm my friend down, probably failing miserably. She turned to me, giving me a stern look too. Yep, defiantly failing miserably. "Fine, you can give him an earful, but could we at least make it outside, away from sight, before you start yelling at people?"

"It looks like I made it here at the worst possible time." Archer says before the five of us continue to leave the school.

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