Chapter 22

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Y/n's POV

Almost instantly after the bounded field was put up, Shirou, Rin, Assassin and myself rushed down to the third floor. When we get to the bottom of the first set of stairs, I look over to Shirou, who looked like he was having a seizure.

"What's... is this... feeling..." He asks, panting in between words.

"That feeling happens to be what most of the student body and staff are feeling right now." Assassin says, looking around, probably trying to locate where Rider was. At this point, she had already shed her disguise, and had her gun ready.

"Just keep generating mana." Rin says, passing off his pain.

Shirou recovers, and not even seconds later, he seems panicked over something. "Sakura!" He exclaims, running off, almost leaving the three of us.

Of course, making sure he didn't do anything stupid. When re arrive to one of the classrooms, the one I'm guessing was Sakura's homeroom, we're met with quite the shock. All the students were on the ground, all probably passed out from lack of life energy. I clenched my fists at the sight, while Rin looked horrified. Shirou and Assassin on the other hand looked surprisingly calm.

Shirou even went as far to walk into the classroom, probably to check on his friend. My guess was confirmed when he kneeled down before standing back up. "She's still breathing, it's not too late to save them. We need to find Shinji and make him put down this bounded field." The look on his face was intense. He looked calm, but angry. If I didn't know any better, I would have guessed that he was willing to kill Shinji himself.

I turn to Assassin, looking for her help. "Do you know where Rider is? Knowing Shinji, he's has to be in the same room as her."

She shakes her head. "I'm having a little trouble focusing with this bounded field up. Not only that, but I don't think Rider's the only problem we have to deal with."

Before I could ask my servant what she meant, Rin yells out to us and Shirou. I turn to look towards Rin, only to see what looked like a skeleton like figure with a sword type of weapon. It slowly started making its way to us before charging at us. While I'm sure Assassin would have been able to kill it, Shirou bursts through the other door the classroom, hitting it. As the thing recovers, Rin shoots it with her magecraft.

Behind me, I could hear gun shots, which meant we were surrounded by these things, since there were more appearing in front of us. We weren't in a good situation. Even with a servant with us, it was going to be hard to fight through these things if they kept appearing like this, as well as find and defeat Rider. Luckily Shirou still had two command seals, which meant he could summon Saber to our side to help us.

With Shirou having used one of his command seals and Saber now with us, we stood a chance. Saber blew through the creatures in front of us.

When she finished taking them down, Shirou ran over to her. "Saber!"

"I came in response to your summons. What is the situation?" She asks her master, while I run to my own servant, who had also managed to kill the creatures she was dealing with.

"We should be more careful. I don't know why, but I'm sensing a servant up here when it's clear the point of origin for the bounded field is down stairs." Assassin says, looking towards me. 

"Do you think Caster might be here? She's probably distracting us while her master deals with Shinji." I comment, crossing my arms while keeping my guard up, "In that case, we should hurry. We don't want them making an alliance of any kind or whatever reason."

"Good call master." The female servant in front of me says before shooting something behind me.

I look back to see more monsters. "Master, Saber will handle whatever's up here. Allow me to guide you and your friends down to the first floor."

"Right!" With that, the two of us follow Rin and Shirou down the stairs, taking out all the monsters we come across.

When the four of us finally making down to the first floor, we find a terrified Shinji, looking into the classroom across from him. "It seems we didn't make it in time." I hear Assassin say quietly.

Shinji slowly makes his way from the wall he was against, only for Rin to kick him to the ground. "I don't want to hear your excuses. I'm going to make you pay for what you've done." She scolds him.

"Agreed. I knew you were sick, but to think you'd do something as disgusting as this. You're worse than I thought." I say, cracking my knuckles.

"Wait, no. I didn't do anything wrong. It isn't me. It isn't me. It isn't me!" Shinji cries, making my ear hurt from his annoying voice.

"What do you mean it isn't you?! Now take the field down right this instant! If you say no, I'll blow your sniveling face right off!" Rin threatens once more, pointing her finger at him.

"Wait no! It wasn't me, I didn't kill her!" I look at him confused. What did he mean he didn't kill her? Who was 'her'?

"Master, Rin, you might want to take a look at this." I could hear Assassin say from the classroom right next to us. This earned our attention, causing Rin to stop pulling Shinji's hair and for the two of us to walk in to see a horrifying sight.

"Tohsaka, Y/n, over there." Shirou says, referring to the body of Rider.

Her neck was twisted, and she was stuck to the wall. There was blood, her blood, all around her, but that didn't bother me as much as what happened next. He neck quickly twisted back so her head was on right. I hold my hand over my mouth, trying to resist the urge to throw up.

"If we had made it sooner, we could have at least found out who did this too her." Assassin said, the look on her face was that of absolute disgust.

Shortly after we found her, Rider's body disintegrates, causing the bounded field to shut itself off.

With the danger having past, Shirou, Saber and I decided to lay everyone outside of the classrooms, while Rin and Assassin interrogated Shinji.

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