Chapter 11

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??? POV

After that scream the three of them ran in that direction. Not a good move since that's where their enemy is, but I'm sure things will turn out in their favor as they have since the war began.

"You shouldn't be spying on them." A voice speaks up from behind me. Of course I knew who this was as we've known each other for a long time.

"And you shouldn't be sneaking up on people, but here you are, Emiya." I say, looking behind me to see that Archer class servant.

He sighed. "You really shouldn't say my name so casually like that. One wrong move and our masters could find out our true identities, Assassin."

"Sure they could, but did you forget about one of my magical abilities? If they found out I could just use it to erase their memory!" I say, pointing my finger at him like a gun.

The Archer class servant sighs once more before turning in the direction of our masters. "I still can't believe you went from being so serious and cautious to so carefree and reckless."

I pout. "I'm still cautious!" Looking back in the direction of my master, her friend and her soon to be friend I smile. "I still can't believe I was summoned by her, my past self. I sure was naive, wasn't I?"

Y/n's POV

I run behind Emiya and Rin, watching as the two kneel down beside a girl on the ground as I catch up.  "Her mana, her life force to be exact. She has hardly any blood left." Rin explains, hovering her hand over the girl. "She'll die if we don't do something."

"This must be the work of a servant." I say, getting the attention of Emiya while Rin reaches into her pocket for her magic stones.

"You two mean she'll die?" Emiya asks, clearly worried about the safety of the stranger in front of us. "And what do you mean when you say a servant did this? I thought they were powered by the mana of their master?"

"Well, in most cases they are." I start explaining, but stop when I see his attention somewhere else. I turn my attention to what he could possibly be looking at, when my eyes widen.

"Look out!" The boy yelled as something started flying towards Rin.

Emiya moved his arm between my friend and the object, causing it to go through his forearm instead of her head.

"Wh-what is that?" Rin asks, obviously startled by the attempt on her life.

"If my guess is correct, it's the weapon of an enemy servant." I say, staring in the direction the weapon came from. I still had no idea how Emiya managed to detect it before Rin or I, or even how he did. What I did know, however, was that someone had tried to take a shot at my best friend's life, and I wasn't going to stand for it.

I continued to stare off in that direction, thinking about how I'd make the servant's master pay for what almost happened, when suddenly, the boy beside me stood up. "Rin, Y/n, take care of the girl!" He told us before rushing off.

I had an idea of what he was going to do. He planned on playing hero, which wasn't surprising. Even so, I couldn't let him run off on his own. "What does he think he's doing?! He's going to get himself killed!" I yell before turning to my concerned friend. "Rin, please stay here. Don't worry about me, I'm just going to keep that idiot from doing something to get him killed."

And with that, I run after the idiot, want to be hero. I run through the forest, trying to find Emiya. Out of no where, I could hear a crash near by. "Shit. The servant must have found him before me." I say under my breathe before running in the direction I could hear the crashes coming from.

When I finally find him, he's hanging by his arm, the weapon that pierced his arm moments ago, being what was keeping him in the air. In front of him was woman with long, purple hair and a blindfold over her eyes. My guess was that she was a servant.

"Now what was that? Something about me being inferior to the other servants?" She says, continuing to walk towards him. "No, that won't do."

I look towards Emiya, who looked like he was about to attack with the broken chair leg he still had in his hand from his fight with Rin. Knowing exactly what he was about to do, as well as that it would likely end in his death, I rush towards the servant, summoning the moisture from the air and trees to blast her.

"Leave him alone!" I yell, managing to blast her away from Emiya, while I, myself, stands between the two.

I couldn't tell for sure because of the blindfold, but I could feel her glaring at me before she vanishes.

I let out a sigh of relief before hearing a thump on the ground behind me and the voice of my friend as she races towards us. "Emiya! Y/n!" Rin shouts. "Are you ok?!"

I turn to her with my normal, blank expression. "Yes, I'm perfectly fine. As for Emiya, he looks even more beat up than he was when he ran off." I spoke with a hint of venom in my voice before turning my attention to our resident idiot. "What were you thinking running off with almost no way of defending yourself like that? Not only do you not have the knowledge on how to use your magical circuits and perform magic, but you also don't have your servant with you." Rin kneeled down and started to work on Emiya's injuries.

"So then, I'm guessing that woman was a servant." Rin said, making it known that she at least saw a glimpse of the servant.

"Yeah, she attacked out of no where." He said, not looking ashamed of himself at all, despite my speech. This caused both Rin and I to look at him sternly. 

"Don't look at my like that. I didn't find out who she was, but this means that there's another master at school." He says while Rin continues to bandage up his wounds.

"That's right, and he's finally mad his move." She says, finally finishing with his wound. "Ok, that should hold for right now."

"Shirou, you were lucky that servant wasn't at it's full strength, otherwise you would be dead right now." I tell him, crossing my arms while looking around.

"What do you mean it wasn't at it's full strength? I knew she was weaker than the other servant I've encountered, but not that she wasn't at full strength." He says, turning his attention to me.

"I'll explain later. Right now, we should get to somewhere safe and fix that wound up properly before someone else has the idea to attack us." I say, suddenly feeling eyes on me. Creeped out, I turn my attention to the direction I could feel the gaze coming from. "And while we're at it, let's get that girl home too. I don't feel comfortable leaving her here, or even staying here one second longer than we need to be, myself."

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