Chapter 14

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Y/n's POV

Walking into school, I over hear people talking about Mitsusuri and how she was found. When I enter my class, I sit down and someone immediately come up to me, tapping my shoulder. I look up, to see Laura, the transfer student.

"Y/n, did you hear about the student that went missing the other day and how she was found yesterday?" She asks me, sitting in the seat in front of me, backwards so she can look at me and speak.

"Yes, I did." I say, plainly while pulling out my notebook and pencil case for class. "Mitsusuri happens to be one of my friends, so it would only be right if I knew as much as I could about the case." I lied. While Mitsusuri was a friend of mine, I only really knew that she was missing.

Laura remained quiet for a moment. During this short silence between us, I could feel her gaze on me, and it felt really familiar for some reason. Suddenly, she spoke up once more. "I'm sorry for assuming you didn't know." She said. "But what a surprise to find out that she was found in an ally way. Did you visit her after she was found, or did her parents not allow you to visit."

It took me a moment to register what she said, but when I did, I jumped from my seat, knocking my chair over as I did. "She was found where?!" I shout, getting the attention of everyone in the classroom as well as a few students that were walking by.

"I'm sorry, I thought you knew." Laura spoke quietly, so only I could hear her. My eyes widen for a moment. Her voice sounding ever so familiar. Almost as if I heard it from someone else. "After all, you did say that you were friends."

That's when it clicked. I grab Laura's hand, pulling her out of the classroom and up to the roof. After closing the door, I turn and glare at her. "I know who you are, Assassin!" I confront her.

She gives me a serious look before taking the wig off her head, letting her real hair loose and putting her sunglass on while her clothing changed. "Looks like I slipped up a little there." Laura, or should I say Assassin, says with a smile.

"Why are you here?! Were you spying on us so your master would know all our weaknesses for when they were ready to strike?!" I point my finger at her, ready to attack as I accused her.

She raises her hands up, ever so slowly before opening her mouth to speak. "It's nothing like that. I was just keep someone important safe."

"And why should I trust you?" I managed to calm down, now speaking at a normal volume.

"Think about it, why would I put myself out in the open as a student during the day to spy on you when I could just hide in the shadows?" She asks, making a good point.

Thinking about what she said, I lower my arm. "In that case, who are you protecting?"

She also lowers her arms as she moves closer to me. "I can't tell you, but there's something you should know about the other masters at school."

I raise my eyebrow. "You mean there's more than one?"

"Yes. You already know who one of them is. He's not much of a threat by himself, so just make sure to kill his servant and he doesn't make any alliances and you should be set with him. As for the other one, you need to find and kill him right away, or unspeakable things will happen." She explains before grabbing her wig.

"What do you mean 'Unspeakable'?! Do you mean he's a bigger threat than Beserker's master?" I question more as she puts her wig back on and taking her sunglasses off, causing her outfit to change back to the school uniform.

"He isn't the threat himself, instead his servant is." She states, walking towards the door back inside. "Now, shouldn't we get back inside before class starts? We don't want to be late, Y/n." Her voice changes back to the voice she was using as Laura.

I stay silent, walking back inside, pushing past her in the process.

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