Chapter 16

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Y/n's POV

After my talk with Rin, I went straight to the church and into my room. I sit on my bed, grabbing a book that I left on my night stand. Hours had past, and something seemed off. No one had made an appearance in my room since I got home, which was odd since Gilgamesh was an entitled ass who doesn't know personal space and Lancer comes and checks on me often, like that of a concerned dog.

Suddenly the last times I remember seeing them in my room pop into my mind as I start blushing like crazy. I slap my cheeks, trying to snap myself out of whatever was happening with me. It wasn't until then, I felt a strange presence near by.

Knowing that it was very likely a trap, I decided to open my window and step out. What else was I supposed to do? Stay inside and make myself a sitting duck? For all I knew I could be attacked in my own room and by the time anyone got to me, I would be dead or gone.

I run outside, jumping the wall. I was ready to attack whatever came at me. Suddenly, what felt like a wire, wrapped around me. I attempted to get loose from it, but it just grew tighter and tighter, until all I could see was black.


Finally regaining consciousness, I open my eyes. I could still feel the wire around me, which meant that I was still in the trap that was set for me. In front of me was a figure, cloaked in black. I couldn't make out her entire face, but I saw strands of bluish, purple hair sticking out, as well as some lipstick on her lips. My guess was that this was the Caster servant based off of how she dressed alone.

"A caster class servant" I hear a familiar voice say.

My eyes widen as I look to my left to see Emiya. "Emiya?! Why are you here?!" It took me a second to realize how stupid my question was, as it was obvious by the threads around him, that he was also kidnapped. "Nevermind, don't answer that."

This was bad. While it is two against one, we would surely loose any fight with us being restrained like this. Even if we weren't restrained, we still wouldn't stand a chance in a fight against Caster. First off, Emiya barely strong enough to barely survive a fight against Shinji's servant. Second, I was too weak to fight a servant who was at full strength without major injury. There would be no way I'd be able to fight Caster while protecting Emiya.

I look from Caster to Emiya, wondering what to do. I could tell the boy next to me was struggling. "Do not bother. Once a spell is cast, it cannot simply be washed away by mana. Especially by the flow of magic circuits as feeble as yours are." Caster informs him before I get a chance to.

"Meaning that I was easy to summon here." Emiya says. "But why is Y/n here?"

At his question, I become flustered from embarrassment. "It means that you're the weakest of all the masters. As for the girl, I had hoped to use her as bait. My plan to catch her wouldn't have worked if she had stayed in that little church of hers, however."

My embarrassment then turned into utter humiliation. It was embarrassing to imagine others putting me on the same ring as a complete novice like Emiya. Not only that, but I could tell she thought I was an idiot. Maybe I wasn't thinking rationally earlier, but that doesn't make me an idiot.

"So what, are you going to kill me?" Emiya asks, still struggling against the spell put on us, despite having been told that he wouldn't be able to break it. Atleast he listened to the part about me being used as bait though.

"Relax. If I killed you, I wouldn't be able to drain you of your mana." Caster states, causing me to glare at her.

"There's another reason you brought him here, isn't there?" I question her, trying my best not to move. "You want Saber, don't you?"

"Good for you, little girl. You're smarter than I gave you credit for." She confirms my theory on her thinking I was an idiot, causing my blood to boil.

"Not only that, but I can feel the energy coming from the temple. I had a feeling that you were behind the cases in the city." My hand clenches into a fist. Now that I think about it, everything points to Caster being the powerful servant Assassin warned me about.

"What?" Shirou asks, surprised.

"I'm surprised you didn't know, boy. Caster class servants have the prerogative to establish a position. By building myself a temple here, I've protected myself from you." Caster explains to the novice.

As she continues to explain the energy around us, I realize something. She placed her base in one of the places the Holy Grail will appear. It was obvious that she was pulling the strings and not her master by the way Assassin spoke of her. But to think that she thought this far ahead.

Caster turns her attention to me for a moment before turning it to the both of us. "It's been nice, but it's been long enough. Now let's get the command seals off of both of you."

My eyes widen. "What do you mean both of us?! I'm not even a master or the overseer, so there's no way I could have any."

"That's where you're wrong." Caster says, walking over to me. She hovers the palm of her hand over the back of mine, using magic to reveal a command seal. "You're the master of the real Assassin."

"But how?" I ask, surprised by this sudden reveal. I had no recollection of summoning a servant, so how could I have summoned a servant.

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