Chapter 9

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The moment I enter the school gates, I start looking for Emiya. After a while I come across Emiya and Rin standing in the hallway. Rin was standing there with a shocked look on her face. "Hey Rin, Emiya." I say, walking closer to them.

Upon walking closer to them, I notice something was missing. More like someone. I didn't sense Saber. Now I understood why Rin was standing there looking so bothered.

Emiya looked over at me. "You too Y/n? Do I have something on my face?"

With his comment, I realize that my facade broke for a moment as I was giving him a similar look that Rin was giving him. I put my facade back on, looking over at Rin.

"Hmph!" She storms off, leaving me alone with Emiya.

"Was it something I did?" He says, looking at his hand, probably wondering if something was wrong with it.

"You really are an idiot." I tell him before leaving him standing there like an idiot.


"Y/n. You want to have lunch together?" Laura comes over to ask me, causing me to turn around.

I wait a moment to respond. No one other than Rin has ever asked me to have lunch with them, well with the occasional boy. Not that I can blame her though, she is a new student after all. Something was off about her though. Was she a master in the war? I did sense some mana coming from her, how it went over my head until now is beyond me. If she was a master, was she the one behind the bounded field? Or is she a bystander who practices mage craft. Either way I should keep an eye on her, but right now I had to go talk to Rin.

"Sorry, I already have plans to eat with someone." I tell her.

"Maybe next time then." Laura says.

"Maybe." And with that I grab my lunch and leave the classroom while the rest of my classmates surround the girl to warn her about my coldness.

I make my way up to the roof, where I see Rin sitting on the stairs with her lunch.

"There you are. What took you so long?" She asks, and I give her a nervous smile. I could feel all her rage, most of it probably being from Emiya being an idiot and leaving Saber home.

"A girl from my class asked me to have lunch with her so I had to turn her down." I inform my closest friend. My nervous smile then turns to a more serious look. "Speaking of which, I might have an idea of who one of the other masters is. Her name is Laura, and she just recently transferred into my class. I could be wrong about my suspicions, but I can sense mana resinating from her. It's also odd that she transferred here when the war began."

Rin hummed in response. "I supposed it wouldn't hurt looking further into this Laura girl, but what's more important is killing that idiot, Shirou!" She yelled. "I knew he knew nothing about the war, but I didn't expect him to be that stupid and naive. This is a war, and he went into the middle of one of the battle field without his servant?!"

"Will you keep quiet. Someone might hear you." I tell her, trying to keep others from overhearing us.

"No one really comes up here, so I'm sure we'll be safe. What you should be worried about is that someone doesn't try to attack Shirou during school hours."

And with those words, Rin went on about her plans on how she would kill Emiya, while I sat there wondering why she even bothered saving the poor boy.

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