Chapter 62: Papa

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AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.


Jaden was standing beside Yusei's duel runner with his arms crossed "What do you think the princesses daggers weapon ability looks like? I mean does it have to be a single weapon or could it be a combo weapon! Like a scythe gun or something!" Jaden was rambling to Yusei who was crouched on the ground in front of a motorcycle. A motorcycle that they found in the area that Yusei was trying to hotwire. (A/n: Yes, it was a RWBY reference.). Yusei had a plier in his mouth as he was trying to find the right wires to cut. The pliers were from the small tool box he had in one of his duel runners' small compartments. "I don't think she could do combo weapons." He muffled through the pliers. He took the pliers out of his mouth when he found the right wires to cut. "I think she can only do a weapon at a time. From what I have seen with Lady Selene, I think they have limits. Physical and mental limits. So it's why I think combo weapons may not be a possibility." He found the right two wires and snapped them. "Though, anything is possible. I could be wrong." He shrugs. Yusei removed the rubber around the cord in order to reveal the copper wires inside. Tossing the pliers to Jaden for him to catch. Jaden caught the pliers and put them back in Yusei's compartment of his duel runner. "We have only seen Lady Selene use her shield, I have seen it in a bigger way. Only for a few seconds but either way it showed that she could make the shield big or small. Maybe she can do the same thing with the weapon mechanism of the dagger." Yusei thought out loud while twisting the exposed copper wires together. "How powerful do you think the dagger is? Let alone the millennium puzzle." Jaden looked up at the dark sky with the black snow still coming down. This area wasn't too far but they still needed to be quick about this. The area where Yuma and Selene were at might not stand too long since this time period's world was withering away at an unknown speed. "The millennium puzzle pierces darkness and protects the holder with its pure light. However, I know the millennium dagger's light is stronger. I could even see it from the depths of space when I was on that spaceship Jaden sent me on . . ." Jaden and Yusei turned to Yubel who was in spirit form beside Jaden. Their arms crossed across their chest while their eyes were on the dark sky. Letting out a long exhale. Reminiscing the powerful glow they saw from space. "So bright and warm . . . Almost like the birth of a new star . . ." Yubel closed her eyes then opened them to look at the two boys. "I think that the items will help us greatly. Let us hope though that the items won't be entirely used for this battle against Paradox." Jaden nodded in agreement with Yubel's words. He was hoping for the same thing.

Yusei turned from Yubel and Jaden with the wires in his hands. Staring down at the wires. Jaden noticed Yusei was stopping in the midst of hotwiring. "Something wrong with the wire buddy?" Jaden leaned off the bike, feeling a little concerned for him getting quiet. "No it's just that . . .Yusei turned to Jaden "I don't know if the crimson dragon will take us specifically where we will need to go . . . It's all in hope we will get to where we will need to go . . . I don't know if that will be enough . . ." Yusei softly sighs ". . . I came in too late last time and I don't want to make the same mistake . . ." Yusei felt didn't want to let everyone down again. He had faith in the dragon and followed it blindly. However, for this trip, he was unsure of himself and the dragon. Yusei didn't know if it would work a second time. This entire plan was a crazy risk. Jaden walked over and crouched beside Yusei. Placing a hand on Yusei's shoulder "You may not have come exactly in time for Paradox but you came at the exact time when we needed you." Jaden pointed to Yusei's arm that had his marking of the crimson dragon "I think the Crimson Dragon may have known that you could not defeat it alone. The dragon took you here to meet each other. Knowing you needed help too." Yusei's eyes slowly lit up, taking his words to heart. "Also, hope is something we all need. Along with faith." Jaden patted his shoulder "I mean you had hoped the dragon will lead you to Paradox right? And faith to defeat Paradox too, no?" Jaden stood up with a bright smile on his face "That's all you need then. It's all anyone really needs." Jaden chuckles. Yusei smiled up at Jaden, turning back to the motorcycle. He gently but quickly rubbed the ends of the two wires he needed to spark the bike to life. The engines roared as the lights of the bike lit up. "It's alive!" Jaden laughs in joy for Yusei making the motorcycle work. Yusei stood back up with his hands on his hips "We should be all set." Yusei exhaled in relief. He was glad hotwiring wasn't too hard to do in this time period. It wasn't too complex for him to figure out.

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