Chapter 59: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 2)

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AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.


Yugi was looking around to see all the young duelists and older duelists have come to this world dueling tournament. Making him feel excited for the set of duels he will be doing with Yami this afternoon. His mind wondered about all the cool cards he will face against these duelists. "(Y/n)'s late." Yugi hummed to his spirit partner beside him. Yugi smiled "Don't worry pharaoh, she will be here. When have you ever known (Y/n) to be on time all the time? Remember the Battle City?" Yugi reminded Yami about you coming late for that tournament. A memory that feels so long ago yet was not too long ago either. He could still remember how your duel disk of this time period was worn so loosely and how he fixed it for you. Knowing that you had used different duel disks aside from Kaiba Corps made much sense on why the duel disk was that way that day. It was the first time he and you had a moment just between the two of you. You were late for that tournament too.

'However,' Yugi crossed his arms across his chest 'It is odd for everyone else to be late too.' He looked around to try to spot Tea, Tristan, or Joey. Tea was supposed to meet up with Tristan and Joey today. Yugi can understand Joey being late for sleeping in and Tristan could have been late just trying to wake him up. Tea is someone who is always on time and would have been dragging their asses to be here. Though, the fact that she wasn't here with either of the boys made him a little concerned. "You're right. I am being impatient, forgive me." Yami apologizes to Yugi, snapping him out of his thoughts. "No it's okay. Today is the big day and it's the last day for that ring hold so I understand." Yugi chuckles with a smile on his face. He was used to Yami being the tougher and more serious one of the two. Seeing his other side of him always brought comforting joy since he was only like this whenever it concerns you. "Let me try calling them." Yugi pulled out his phone and flipped it open. He pouted "Ah! I forgot to change it last night!" Yugi groaned in annoyance while shoving it in his jacket pocket. Cursing under his breath for forgetting to do something so simple. Yami chuckles softly "It is alright. I appreciate you for trying though Yugi." Yami tried to reassure Yugi to make him not feel bad for trying to help ease Yami's patience and worries. Yami noticed Yugi's grandpa coming back from a food stand. Yami reverted back into the puzzle for Yugi to be with his grandpa. "I got us some takoyaki and soda. Cannot duel on an empty stomach now." Grandpa Solomon light heartedly laughed. Hanging Yugi his little paper food boat tray with his takoyaki. Their sodas were in his overalls pockets.

Yugi walked with him over to a bench to eat with him. He took the takoyaki and he took the soda from him. Stabbing it with the toothpick that was to be used for him to eat it. "I cannot wait to meet your friend (Y/n), Yugi." Yugi hums as he chews on one of his takoyaki balls. Looking at his grandpa while eating. "I cannot help but feel nervous. She is the pharaoh's wife after all." Solomon even felt underdressed for today on meeting you. Yugi swallows his bite and laughs "I think she is just as nervous as you on meeting you too. When I mentioned this to her last week, she was super excited. (Y/n) told me she only knew about you through history books so getting to meet you in person is a big deal for her." Yugi smiles brightly at him. Solomon took a quick bite of his takoyaki ball "Well, You said (Y/n) is a duelist herself right?" Yugi nodded "I should duel her for fun. Maybe we can learn about each other through our dueling skills to ease both of our nerves." Solomon said after he chewed his ball. He ate the rest of it after a little laugh. Yugi took another bite of his other takoyaki ball. The teen glanced down at his millennium puzzle 'Now that I think about it. The pharaoh never dueled against (Y/n) either himself.' Yugi stopped mid thought of remembering what Yami told him about Jane's memories. Specifically the memory of how Yami used to challenge you many times in the past of different games which he always won. 'Maybe he doesn't challenge her to separate his life apart from dueling with (Y/n) . . . Or he doesn't want to be snarky to her like that time.' Yugi can already imagine you pulling out your dagger time to time with Yami in a duel to showcase dominance against him. Also threatening to get violent if you lost. Yugi knew you weren't that kind of person but it would also have been fun to see you be a little sore loser for shits and giggles.

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