Chapter 16: Escape Plan

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AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.

I know this is not how it goes on in the show but gotta twist it up for story benefit.


You glanced at your boot at the corner of your eye and saw a light glow coming from your boot. There was no danger around you as far as you can see yourself but you can feel eyes on you. You were being watched from someone afar. 'He must be watching us from somewhere. I know this will get his attention if I act foolish. Jane would be scolding me for risking the very fabric of time doing this.' You smiled at the thought of Jane. Hoping she was doing alright with Yugi. That was if she was even still with him. She could have gotten separated from him just like you had gotten separated from Tristan. You hoped Tristan wouldn't have to use your duel disk to defend himself against these old acquaintances of Kaiba's. It was their own fault for messing with Kaiba in a virtual world in the first place, they got their payback with the very thing they tried to do against him.

You glanced at the corner of your eye. Both ways. Trying to find where he was watching you from. 'If I can get him to take me to him then I will have time to insert the last setting trigger keys of the virus I made to get us out of here. If I try to get everyone out of here right now then he will get an alert just as he will get an alert about my virus. It was difficult to make it under the radar of his coding to hide it without extreme detection. In order for me to activate it without being detected, I need to get to Noah's location of the system's network main source. I cannot guarantee he will be at that source but no matter how much I dug into this network, there was no other map way that directs me to the source. It must be only a place Noah and only Noah can know and be at. Once I get closer to get everyone out, I'll destroy the system. It should only destroy the digital world and not set off the entire place.' You swiped your coding aside with your index finger. You frowned a bit since it may take a while for Noah to make his move. Along with your hands were starting to cramp from not only typing too fast but also using only a single hand to do this. Your other arm was slowly starting to gain its strength back. You only managed to wiggle just your pinky for a very small moment. It was more of a twitch.

You were about to take off your duel disk when you decided to look through your message board. It was connected to your phone as well and pulled up an image that was hologramed in front of you. Your back was turned to the direction Noah was looking from. Your heart filled itself up with sadness as you looked at the image of your future friends who looked so happy and full of energy. It was during a duel monster festival where everyone got to dress up as their favorite duel monsters. Also having many activities to do around downtown. That day was a fun and crazy day where you made so many memories with them all. It was a memory you held close to your heart since it was the first of many times you got to go to this festival with friends instead of by yourself. Going with them was the most thrilling experience you ever had compared to the countless times you had gone alone for many years . 'Why do I keep making things harder for me by continuously thinking about all of you . . . I made new friends and yet I keep finding myself always comparing them to you all . . . They can never replace all of you but I . . . I miss you guys so much . . .' You were about to cry but you forced yourself not to. Gesturing with your hand to deactivate the hologram and shut off your duel disk and shoved it back into your pouch for now.

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