Chapter 41: Shatter

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AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.


"I hope you are prepared for a world full of hurt. (Y/n)." You silently gasp. You heard the other you say through the mirror without moving her mouth from where she stood besides Dartz. You clenched your dagger in your hand and stepped a bit back from the mirror "Not if I can help it!!" You held your dagger in front of you 'Let's try something new. Other than swords or hammers. It's worth a shot. . . Quite literally.' You poured focus into making a flintlock pistol (A/n: This was so awkward to freaking search up fantasy. My FBI agent is questioning my search history since I always search up wedding dresses for references for your dresses. Now it is mixed with the search history of fantasy guns. I wanted a fantasy gun for you. I also thought this gun was a cool starter.) into your hand. You light heartedly laugh when you manage to make a gun. You knew your dagger could make any weapon but you were not sure if you were going to make some modern weapons. Making the gun itself was all up to faith. Then again, you did make a katana before which wasn't a weapon of Ancient Egypt times so . . . It was still on a whim. Either way – You felt proud of yourself for managing to make this gun. You wanted to turn to your side to tell Jane how you made this but . . . You were alone. No Jane. No Yami. No friends. You were by yourself making this improvement.

'Focus (Y/n)!' You snap yourself to focus. That was when you came to a dilemma . . . You never shot a gun before! You summoned this thing but had no idea on how to use it! You took a deep breath. "Hopefully I won't get bad luck after this." You mutter to yourself as you stand further back. You pulled back the cock of the flintlock pistol, aiming at the mirror, and rifed. Right before the bullet pierced the mirror – the stones around the mirror glowed a light green and sent the single bullet flying back. You shriek out of instinct along with ducking for cover from the flying bullet. Dropping the gun beside you. Holding your head until the bullet that bounced around was heard no more. Making it clear and safe to get back up. The other you laughed through the mirror. "It's no use, little miss royal. As long as I have these stones around the mirror – You cannot destroy me. You may have destroyed 2 of the stones of the Orichalcos but I have 6. You don't even have a clue on how you even destroyed those earrings either. You're useless." she was just stabbing you with every word she said. You were getting agitated from just hearing her. It was your own voice saying these things to you so it made you more annoyed and hurt. You grab your pistol and stand back up with a huff. Glaring at the mirror. "They will never believe anything you say bitch. They will see right through you!" You said with such confidence. Watching things play out through the mirror "I call bullshit." You never thought you would be glad to hear Kaiba say anything more in your life. "See! Told ya!" You point to Kaiba. You knew Kaiba was stubborn and was a realist. Surely he would see through this whole charade! Nothing could fool that egotistical man. "Hurry your ass up and get behind us. We are just about to finish this bastard off so we can all go home. With you." You started to laugh at the way he talked to the fake you. You wanted to cry while laughing. Overjoyed that Kaiba was able to stop this fake bitch before she started anything. You smiled at Kaiba in the mirror's reflection. Knowing it is going to all be over for this mirror you.

The mirror began to laugh again "Did you really think it would be that easy?" Yes. You thought it would be this easy. You had all your faith and hope into your friends to come rescue you from this hell. You could feel the mirror you roll her eyes without having to be physically even there. "Gosh! Your faith in your friends is so ironic! Are you really sure you were a queen with being this naive?!" You grip the pistol in your hand and put it in the back of your dress. 'Damn those forsaken stones. Damn this mirror. I broke those stones before but this bitch is right. I have no damn clue how the fuck I broke those 2 stones. I have to break 6 of these damn things. How the hell am I even supposed to break them when I cannot even touch them?!' You were arguing with yourself in your head. Trying to drain out this mirror self out of your ears to not hear her stupid laugh. She was finding your gullibleness entertaining. Her laughing soon ceased. "I am a reflection of you. I know almost everything about you. Your deepest innermost thoughts. I know how you really feel about all of these people. Maybe a demonstration will suffice you to open your damn eyes, little miss useless royal!" You narrow your eyes at the mirror that showed Kaiba again and a little bit of Mokuba in the reflection this time. You saw Mokuba standing on the sideline with your other friends while Kaiba was dueling with Yami against Dartz. "Why should I listen to the man who can barely keep his brother safe? The brother I always have to end up saving because you fail to protect him. You fail to see the truth of just how weak and pathetic you both are. I bet your father wouldn't have gotten his company taken over this many times like you have Kaiba." Your eyes went wide to the things that came out of this other you's mouth. You slowly start shaking your head side to side "No, No, No. I never have ever thought that way of them!" You paused to think back and did a small nod "I-I only ever thought and felt bad that Mokuba always seems to get kidnapped a lot to lure out Kaiba as bait! That was it! Nothing to this extreme!" You admit your original thoughts. They were not the ones this fake you proclaimed. You would never compare Kaiba at all to his father. Their step-father was a tech maniac of a whole different caliber. Kaiba was just a rich and smart man who was not afraid to show it or afraid to make people feel beneath him or afraid to be cold to people who deserved it. Something you wished you could uphold to have in certain situations like the one you were in with this mirror. You wished you had it when Dartz had . . . You shut your eyes and shake your head. Forcing yourself to stop thinking about what Dartz did to you.

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