Chapter 57: The 4th Traveler

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AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.


Yuma was in the garage of this place called Poppo Time Clock, the place he followed Jack, Crow, and Yusei in to get Selene treated. Yuma was sitting on the couch with Selene's head in his lap. He was gently dapping a wet cold cloth on her head. Selene's breathing was settled by this point and she was just resting up for now. '(Y/n) was only able to use the millennium dagger when she was 14. You're just 8 years old yet I expected some fighting skill because of (Y/n) . . . Then again I don't know what your life was like in your other world. I have no clue how your (Y/n) is like either . . . I tried not to expect too much of you but I did in the end anyway . . . Now you're paying the price for it . . .' Yuma was looking down at Selene's sleeping face that no longer had blood dripping from her nose. He cleaned it up much earlier. Selene was clutching the millennium dagger in her small hands.

Yuma's key glinted a slight glimmer of light. Emitting Astral soon after from the key to be floating in front of Yuma. He looked at the sleeping princess before he looked at his partner. Seeing how Yuma had a glum look and presence. Something he rarely sees in the teen for as long as he has been beside him in this human world. Only a few times he has seen Yuma this way. Usually with duels that were high stakes but this was not from a duel. This was from the failure of their mission. "Yuma. I sense you are feeling at fault." Astral bluntly told Yuma. Yuma slowly looked up to see Astral. He wasn't surprised he was there, Yuma was really down in the dumps. "You had no other choice--" Yuma interrupted Astral "I did have a choice Astral. I could have come up with a better and safer plan. She is like this because I was stupid and went with the plan blindly without thinking of the consequences . . . She is going to wake up and I have to be the one who tells her I couldn't finish the mission because I wanted to get her help. She is going to be crushed hearing that I let him get away and she is going to feel even more doubtful with herself than she already is once she hears I did it for her . . . I . . ." Yuma sighs a long sigh. Leaning his head back with his left hand running through his hair. Astral floats over Yuma to face him in this new angle. Yuma's sight was blocked now with a blue glow stick alien looking down at him "You were given the option to go after Paradox or care for Lady Selene. You chose Lady Selene because you are not cruel like Paradox who is taking lives without any compassion or any sense of humanity in him. You have those qualities, qualities this world needs." Astral looked at Selene with a small smile on his emotionless face that became gentle as he stared down at the sleeping princess. "Qualities that Lady Selene follows you for." He gazed back at Yuma "You are better than Paradox. The choice you made is because you care. Whether she was (Y/n)'s daughter. Whether she was a simple stranger. You would have made the same choice. No matter what." Yuma lifted his head back to face forward. Astral floated to be in front of him.

"That is just the kind of person you are, Yuma." Yuma was deeply touched by his alien friend's kind words. Something he did need to hear. "Both of you have another chance to end Paradox." Astral told him, back on a serious note. This reminder let Yuma feel at least some ease with the aftermath of their first attempt with Paradox. They had another chance to redeem themselves.


Yusei was with Crow and Jack upstairs in the kitchen. Yusei opened the fridge to get the pitcher of water "How are neither of you freaking out here!?" Crow whisper yelled to both Jack and Yusei. Jack was nonchalant about this while Yusei was just calm. "There is a literal child sorceress child down and you both are acting like what that kid did was nothing!" Crow was whispering still, glancing over to the garage door in case Yuma might have been eavesdropping. Yusei grabbed a glass from the cabinet to pour water in. "Do you think us freaking out is going to get either of those kids to explain what is going on?" Jack questioned Crow with a brow raised. Crow stammered a little before shutting his mouth after coming up with nothing to excuse. Nothing to defend against his argument because he had a valid point.

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