Chapter 19: Risking It All (Pt. 1)

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AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.


You caught Noah up with your mission of the dagger and the crazy stuff of the events that led up to this very moment. You also woke Jane up to fill her in about the encounter with Ishizu which she grew concerned for because she may be a threat to keep your secret of being from the future. Neither of you have seen that woman since you arrived here so there didn't seem to be a reason to be nervous for now. Noah said he would try to look into the history of the dagger more while you went on to go visit Mai. You put away your duel disk back into your pouch as well as your duel gazer. You allowed Noah to see Jane and to go through your phone if he needed to move from the duel disk for any reason. Jane jumped off the bed and she insisted she was fine with walking even though you told her you didn't mind carrying her but she also told you that it would make you look crazy and suspicious if you were carrying air in your arms. You had to agree with her for this time being.

The air felt tense when you were walking down the hallway to the infirmary. You didn't even know the directions but you just had a feeling that drew you to where the infirmary was. You took a deep breath and opened the sliding door. 'Good, no one is here. I won't have anyone here so see me cry if I end up crying.' You thought to yourself as you made your way over to where Mai was resting. Being the literal embodiment of the fairy tale princess Sleeping Beauty, under a curse to sleep forever and to be only awoken by true love's kiss to break the curse. Except for Mai's princess story, only beating True Marik will end her deep sleep to regain her memories that will awaken her. She was starting to look a little pale now from the last time you saw her. This meant that the duels needed to start acting faster to defeat him to get her back before she loses all of her memories and eventually she will lose her soul.

You sat down in the chair beside her bed. Jane hopped on the bed to sit beside Mai and she looked over to the sleeping Mai with sadness within her cat eyes. You looked at Mai with the same look. "Hey Mai . . . I am sorry I didn't visit you the other day . . . I was not in the right mind to visit you . . ." You clasped your hands together and held onto them tightly to not cry " . . . Mai . . . I know I shouldn't blame myself for what happened but it's hard not to . . . " You went silent for a minute before you stood up and went over to hold her hand. It was barely warm. Becoming slowly colder with every passing second. "I hope we can talk more, and open up to one another more . . . But you have to wake up in order for that to happen . . . Please stay strong and hold on a little longer Mai . . ." You let go of her hand and Jane bowed her head to Mai out of respect to her presence. Mai couldn't see her so she couldn't hear her but if Jane put in any more effort she would pass out. She had used too much of her ability back in the virtual world so she could say nothing to Mai. Jane hopped off the bed and followed you out of the infirmary room.

'Thank you for giving me the courage Yuma . . . Now onto that other promise I made to you, getting something to eat.' You walked around for a while and eventually wound up finally finding the cafeteria but before you went in you saw Tristan also was making his way there from the other as well. You figured he would have already gotten here before you. It was a little odd but you didn't want to pry. "(Y/n), here I forgot to return this to you when we left the ship. I left it on the ship and Kaiba had yelled at me for leaving it and to give it back." He held out the duel disk for you to take and you took it with a smile. "Thank you for giving it back. Did you have to use it against one of the 5?" Tristan turned to look at the side with a look of shame on his face "Yeah and he turned me into a robot monkey as a result." He mumbled with a pout. You were confused but also tried to imagine him being a monkey robot but it was hard to and you didn't want to imagine how it would be like being transformed into that either. "Oh hey (Y/n)!" Serenity perked in happiness when she saw you and Tristan. Beside her was Yugi who waved over to the two of you. You slid your duel disk on your dueling arm when you walked in with Tristan inside the cafeteria. Duke was arguing with Tea on the last piece of cake.

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