Chapter 50: Friends Assemble

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AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.


Tea was sitting in class with her text book open to try to listen in on the teacher's lecture of the physics equation their teacher was going on about. She glanced over to see Yugi who was looking troubled but looked away quickly when the teacher asked about how to solve the problem. Asking Tea specifically to solve it which she did and the teacher looked away. Giving her a chance to turn back to the pharaoh in Yugi's seat who was shaking his right leg out of being anxious about something. Yami stared at the clock with the determined expression on his face he usually had whenever he faced an opponent in a duel. 'What is up with him? He looks so eager. Is he going to leave school again to go to the museum again? Already? Did he even ask (Y/n) to go with him? I know those 2 didn't get a chance to exchange numbers because everyone was tired so that can't be it. What is going on through his head? Yugi, what are you and the pharaoh going to do that you can't tell us?' Tea was having too many questions in her head that started to make her perry but also give her a headache. She didn't get enough sleep last night to be thinking this much. Making her turn away from him to look out the window to daydream.

After all the chaos they still had to wake up early to come back to school to finish their high school lives they keep forgetting they need to complete before going off on all these wild adventures. They are going to need to cram hard for them to pass this final school year if they want to even graduate. Their exams were a few months away but with everything going on, it seems like more time is going to be taken up from this journey with discovering the pharaohs' past. Plus, Tea had big plans to go abroad to become a dancer so she needs all the good grades she can get to be applicable to go to study overseas. It wasn't just her who had big dreams but every single one of her friends had big dreams too and they need to be able to ace this school year with their grades and absurd amount of attendance to walk across the stage to graduate. The bell rang which made Tea come out of her daze. Looking at the teacher leave and students got up to talk to their friends to talk in between passing period. She saw Yami zoom past her and bolted out the door with his book bag not long after the teacher left the classroom for their other teacher to come in for their next lesson. Tea got up with her book bag and went to the door to see Yami was already booking it across the hall.

"Where do you think he is going?" Tea jumped out of her skin when she heard Joey ask from behind her. She turned around to see Joey and Tristan were also watching Yami rushing off somewhere. Joey grinned "Alright. We are totally following. Come on." Joey started to run down the hall "Hey! Wait for us!" Tristan started to run after him. Tea softly scoffs "I have to go too?!" Tea was leaning between staying in class and running after her guy friends but she knew her choice in the end. She had to follow them. Tea ran quickly inside to grab her book bag. "I seriously need to hang out more with girl friends." Tea mumbles to herself when she shoved her school materials in her bag and ran out the classroom door. Having to excuse herself to a few people she ran into from trying to catch up with her friends.

Joey and the others finally caught up with Yami at the top of the fence of the track field, about to hop over to the other side. "Is this how you snuck off school grounds last time you ditched?" Tristan's question made Yami look down at him and his friends who were looking up at him. Yami held his hand up to gesture to them to wait a moment. Yami went and hopped over the fence himself and landed on his feet with a 'oof' after he landed. Feeling a light sting in his ankles but he dealt with the pain. Yami looked at his friends "It is actually. Look, you guys do not have to come. Where I am going is somewhere you guys do not need to go. I promise it isn't something that requires the fate of the world at stake or will lead to anything worse of the sort. I will be back . . . Probably . . ." Yami was thinking about if he will be back by the next few periods Yugi needs to attend for the rest of the school day on time. If he wasn't going to make it, he would take himself home instead of coming back to school. Joey plopped right next to Yami on the other side of the fence meanwhile Tristan and Tea were still on the side of the tracks "Doesn't matter. Where you go, Joey Wheeler is coming right along wit cha!" Joey said with a big goofy smile on his face. Tristan rolled his eyes and side looked at Tea "I am going because I would rather go off for another day than hear another lecture." Tristan grunts when he started to climb the fence to meet them on the other side. Crashing into Joey on the way down but neither of them were seriously hurt so everything was alright.

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