36. A safe return home

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Strap in guys, this is going to be a much awaited loooonnnnnggggggg chapter ;)

"And who might this be?"

Dabi felt at a loss for words as he stared at the flaming pro hero in shock. Too many emotions were overwhelming him all at once and he couldn't even tell if he was breathing anymore or not. It wasn't until he felt a hand place itself on his shoulder and Keigo's voice speak up that he actually knew what was going on.

"Uhm, this is...an old friend of mine!" The blonde smiled. "He's a foreign hero! From...uh...Iceland!"

Endeavor cocked a suspicious brow. If Dabi didn't have to play along with this stupid act, he would have face-palmed himself. Keigo gave Dabi a nervous glance as Endeavor's gaze turned from the winged hero to the ravenette.

"Is that so?" asked the flaming man. "Tell me, foreign hero from Iceland, what exactly is your name?"

Hearing Endeavor's voice after thinking he had finally escaped it was still a shock to Dabi. Each word sent a prickling shiver down his spine that he had to hide. With a heavy breath, Dabi sighed.

"My name is Todoki." He spoke in a surprisingly bitter tone. He didn't dare meet Endeavor's eyes. "Todoki Bida."

Dabi swore for a moment that he heard a soft snicker come from Keigo. He swiftly spun his head around to face him only to see Keigo with his arms folded behind his back, nodding agreeingly to Dabi's words. The ravenette let out an inaudible sigh as he turned back to the pro hero before them.

"Alright, Todoki." Endeavor sounded as if he was rather bored of the conversation. "Why exactly are you here?"

"I was wondering if he could join our meeting today." Keigo spoke up before Dabi could even think of a response. "The agencies in Iceland sent him specifically for our...situation. They would like to help us."

The redhead gave the winged hero a skeptical look. Even Dabi believed the story was slightly off. How would a country half way across the world from them hear of what happened? What exact story would it be? There was no exact answer, but Endeavor seemed to understand just by the way his face turned cold.

"I see." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Well, if they truly insist on getting rid of villains, then I suppose he can join us."

Something about the sentence made Dabi's blood boil. Get rid of villains? That might as well be the same thing as him saying "Hey! Let's get rid of every human being in the world!" It was a sickening thought to say the least.

"Great." Dabi said through his teeth.

"Come on!" Keigo chirped as his velvety red wings boosted him into the air. "I'll lead the way!"

Nothing was calm about the few feet walk to the agency. Dabi couldn't help but be uneased the entire time as he walked in silence beside Endeavor. He had always prayed that he would never have to see the man again, but here he was. Acting as if he was on the hero's side and all for killing those who had truly been wrong in this cruel society.

Remember, this is for the league. Dabi had to tell himself about a thousand times. No matter how much he hated every second of this mission, he knew none of the others would make it nearly as far as he was right now. But that was also because of Dabi having contacts.

The ravenette's gaze turned to the new scenery around him. Now that they were inside of the agency, he was actually sort of surprised at how nice and luxurious the inside looked. Each window had been scrubbed well and was pretty much crystal clear. A golden chandelier hung from the ceiling and glittered gloriously for everyone to see. The floor was so clean that Dabi could see his reflection perfectly off of the black and white tile. Then again, he wasn't so surprised Endeavor had taken such good care of the place.

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