23. That Wretched Phrase

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It was sad really; how the League felt so much safer than anywhere else. That this little gang of misfits and criminals somehow felt more of a family than Dabi had ever felt before. They trusted him, well at least Toga and Twice did for now, and he trusted them. Even though he was harsh and rude and stubborn and arrogant, he still had a special place for each of them. Some more important than the others.

However, he did have one other person he knew he could rely on. Even though now they were enemies (for the time being that is) the arsonits somehow managed to keep the number three hero close. Hawks was one of the few people he would proudly say he cherished.

But that's where sacrfices came in. If he loved both sides, he knew he couldn't betray them. So, he may have altered a few past promises he had made, such as his promise to expose the League to Hawks so they kne wthe attacks. He would give him false information without a second thought, leading him to false locations and driving the heroes further and further away from finding anything out about the League of Villains. That's how Dabi wanted things to stay. He hoped they would stay that was for a while, or at least until he could figure out a proper way to settle his dilemna between the two sides.

"Oi. Patches."

Shigaraki's voice snapped Dabi back to reality. He shifted his gaze over to his boss, who was sitting impatiently at the bar, tapping his index finger against his head.

"Were you even listening to a damn thing I said?" The cyanette asked in an irritated tone.

"Honestly; no. You're little "speech" got boring." Dabi replied with a lazy shrug.

The sudden rushing feeling of annoyance and anger that radiated off of Shigaraki was almost hiliarious. It took all of Dabi's will power to keep himself from bursting out into laughter as the cyanette growled lowly and turned his gaze away.

"How can one person be so goddamn infuriating?" The leader snapped as he stared down at the counter of the bar.

"Dunno. How can one person be so unbearably crusty?" Dabi teased back, nudging Shigaraki's side.

The cyanette's head whipped around to face Dabi again. Even with Tomura's father blocking his face from view, the ravenette could just feel the burning glare the smaller, frailer villain held. Dabi snickered as he rested his elbow on the counter of the bar.

"What? You know I'm right! You just won't admit it because that's insulting yourself!" The arsonist chuckled as he tossed his head back in victory.

Shigaraki seemed to freeze in place, keeping his gaze on his ravenette teammate. Now matter how hard he tried, he couldn't even muster up a response! So, growling in annoynace, Shigaraki spun around in his stool again, turning his gaze back down to the counter below him. Silence spread out between the two as they sat in the main room of the League of Villains hideout. Finally, after about five minutes of sitting in silence, Dabi sighed and slid off his bar stool.

"And where exactly do you think you're going?" Tomura snapped, never turning his gaze away from the counter.

"Why does it matter to you?" Dabi asked as he pulled his jacket over his deeply scarred arms.

Shigaraki spun around to Dabi and crossed his arms in a pouting motion. "Because I'm your boss and I deserve an answer. Now, where are you going?"

A soft sigh escaped Dabi's lips. He knew he couldn't tell him, that'd ruin all of his chances of ever returning himself to Tomura's memory. He'd get kicked out of the league for sure if he found out about Hawks.

"I'm just going out for some air. Reeks in here." And with that, the ravenette slipped out of the hideout.

The day seemed almost clear. A few cumulus clouds littered the brightly sun lit sky as a soft breeze rustled the ravenette's hair. Here, it smelled less like alcohol and more of gasoline and nearby restaurants. It made Dabi feel nitty. Like he just HAD to blow something up or cause some sort of destruction. But he urged himself away from that feeling. That wasn't the reason he was out today.

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