4. A New Start

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A few days after the whole "incident" with Touya and his fire, the two boys had decided that if they were going to change the world, they had to get a change of look. They'd have to change their attire, names, and looks in general!

Touya stalked behind Tenko as they wandered the streets. He was deep in thought, trying to think of something else to call himself. I want to sound badass. A name people will definitely remember! He smirked a little as he looked up.

"Hey Tenko?"

"What?" The ravenette glanced over his shoulder at his redheaded friend.

"I can't think of a name, got any ideas?" He asked, tipping his head to the side.

Tenko gave him an annoyed look. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed softly. Touya frowned and sped up a little to match his friend's pace.

"Oh come on! I can't use Touya or Todoroki because everyone will know who I am and neither of those sound menacing!" The redhead whined.

Tenko rolled his eyes. "Menacing. Really?"

"Well yeah!" Touya looked at him. "What did you decide? Bet it's something stupid!" A soft snicker came off after the last sentence was spoken.

"Shigaraki." Tenko muttered.

Touya looked at him in shock. Shigaraki?! How the hell did he come up with that? He probably thought on it for a while if he said it that quickly. A sly smirk tugged at Touya's lips.

"See? I want a name that's as scary as that!" He grinned.

"How about Fiery Hands?" Shigaraki teased.

Touya swatted at Shigaraki's arm as the smaller one chuckled a little. The redhead's icy eyes glared at Shigaraki as he rubbed where he was swatted at.

"Alright, alright! I'll be serious this time." Shigaraki tapped his finger on his arm. After a bit of silence, he perked up. "What about Dabi?"

"Dabi?" Touya repeated.

"Yeah. It doesn't sound awful, but it's definitely memorable to those scared enough." Shigaraki shrugged.

Touya thought for a minute. It does sound memorable. But it's not as horrifying as Shigaraki. His eyes trailed over to the smaller male that walked beside him. He smirked slightly and folded his arms behind his head.

"Dabi. Heh, I like it." He nodded.

Shigaraki glanced at him. He smiled a bit and nodded.

"Also, can I call you Shig? Saying Shigaraki all the time is just a mouthful."

Shigaraki shrugged. "Sure, just don't make me sound stupid got it?"

Dabi nodded with a smirk. "You got it, Shig!"

The two fell silent as they neared the corner store. Touya held the door open and followed his friend inside. Shigaraki's eyes trailed around the store, taking in how many people were there. He shuffled closer to Dabi, putting a four fingered hand on his arm.

Dabi gazed at the smaller male that was attached to his arm. Tenko..Why does he look scared? Did he see someone he knows? The redhead looked around quickly.

"Can we just get the stuff and get this over with?" Shigaraki asked softly.

Touya looked down at him. He nodded and pulled Shigaraki's hood on. They wandered around before stopping in the hair product isle. One of them looked on one side while the other looked on the opposite side.

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