31. I knew you once

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As days went on, Tomura and Dabi's bond got closer and closer. Whenever Tomura would need anything, he'd go straight to Dabi. Whether it was help planning something out or even just someone he could just sit with. Someone who wouldn't judge him for the problems that he was carrying and someone who would not have an ssue with him just...blurting it all out.

What the best part was, was that Dabi never said a word. He never argued with Shigaraki or tried to defend the person Shigaraki would be fretting about. Once, Tomura let out an insult he had been keeping in about Dabi. Honestly, the villain leader had never seen so much hurt and betrayal in a man's eyes before, but Dabi's expression was enough to make his heart feel like a sledge hammer shattering glass into billions of tiny pieces. He hated seeing that face. It hurt. Hurt more than anything in his life.

But there was also some good in becoming closer to Dabi. Well, good for the burnt male. Like freely being able to bug him. I mean, it wasn't like he didn't do that on a regular, but just knowing how close they were only made the teasing so much better.

Here lately, Shigaraki had this weird feeling every time he saw Dabi. It was like he was trying to mimic someone, someone Tomura thought was very familiar. Their identity was always on the tip of his tongue, but no exact feature came to mind. That's what would piss Shigaraki off. It was frustrating not knowing who a person was, and it was ten times more infuriating not knowing who THIS person was. No matter what he did, he could never shake ther person from his mind.

Now, Tomura was sitting at the bar. Today was an off day. The morning was shit, Toga and Twice almost broke Father, Mustard almost caught the base on fire trying to make toast, and, once again, Kurogiri had put Tomura through another lecture. At this point, the fragile leader was completely done with today. Little did he know that the day was only going to go further downhill. Way further down.

"Hey, Mop-head." Dabi greeted as he leaned against the counter beside the cyanette male.

Shigaraki didn't spare him a gaze. "The hell do you want? I'm not in the mood today, Dabi."

"Who pissed in your Cheerios?" Dabi scoffed in amusement.

"Probably Spinner or Twice. Maybe the both of them." Shigaraki shuddered at the thought. Ew. Absolutely disgusting.

The ravenette seemed as visibly disgusted as Tomura felt. His face twisted slightly as he inhaled and shook his head vigorously. Dabi then turned around and leaned his back against the counter. It wasn't hard to tell that he was bored. Shigaraki let out a sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why don't you go bother Twice or Spinner or someone else?"

Dabi chuckled huskily. God, Tomura loved when he did that. It sort of reminded him that he wasn't just an emotionless, walking puppet. That Dabi was truly a human being, just as he was. Plus, the chuckle was fucking hot as hell.

"But staying here and teasing you is fun!" The scarred villain turned to him with a smirk. "Why would I give up the chance at that?"

Tomura opened his mouth to say something back but stopped as Toga skipped into the room. The blonde girl wrapped her arms around Dabi's torso and buried her face into his back. Immediately, she seemed to melt into his warmth.

"Hi, Touya-san!" She chirped, knowing no one else was in the bar's common area.

Dabi turned to her and sighed softly, placing a hand on her head gently. "Hey, Cat-Eyes."

"How come you always call me stupid nicknames?" Toga scowled as she shot a galre up to Dabi. "I have a name, you dumbass!"

"I know! Nicknames are more fun to use! Right, Mop-head?" The ravenette turned to Shigaraki. However, his face twisted to confusion when he saw Tomura's wide eyes.

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