Chapter 34: I have his eyes

Start from the beginning


We pull into the hangar getting out of the parked cars. We all collectively but silently agreed that forcing Chloe and Dane to sit in the same car at least right now would be a tad awkward so it ended up being the guys and the girls in separate cars. Chloe and I talked throughout the entire hour long car ride, not about anything serious just whatever came to mind. Except the fact that I told her I want to see where things could go with Grayson. Aside from that- we both wanted a distraction from life so we stayed with lighter topics. Victoria drove us in silence only talking when needed in her usual short answers. She smoked the whole time, the poor car will never get the smell of cigarette smoke out of it.

Nearing the hangar door Victoria sent her jet to, we walk in a heavy silence. Grayson walks a few feet ahead of me and he must have felt my eyes on him because he turned his head to me making eye contact for a split second, flashing a grin before he turned back around. "Enjoying the view Morgan?" My smile exits my face and my cheeks burn up.

Victoria leads the group through the door and into the aggressively lit hallway. The fluorescence is blinding. "Have you ever been on her plane?" I ask Chloe in stride next to me.

"Nope." She says.

At the end of the hallway the doors are open and I can see some people standing about in cavernous hangar. "Now I can cross fly in a private jet off my nonexistent bucket list." I say to Chloe as we walk through the doors to the hangar. She smiles and in a split second- I mean I literally blinked and a blade bursts through her chest. Shock rushes through me as her blood splatters on my face. I see the sharp end of the blade sticking out of her and the woman behind her who just stabbed her glaring at me.

She removes the blade, throws Chloe to the floor, and takes a step to me. Impulsively I punch her in the face. I think I just pissed her off more, she swings at me with the knife- I take a step back trying to dodge, feeling the tip of the blade cut across my chest. I grunt in pain from the sting of the tear. Stumbling backwards hitting into someone behind me, I turn around to the tall man towering over me. His irises turn red- they're vampires.

Where is everyone?

He violently grabs my throat and the woman who cut my chest steps in my peripheral. I frantically look around seeing everyone fighting people off. I make eye contact with Kellan while the man begins walking, forcing me to walk backwards with his hand tightly wrapped around my throat. I grab onto his arm digging my nails into his skin, squeezing down as tightly as possible. Tight enough to draw blood and I continue to tighten my grasp just as he tightens his. The woman to my side steps closer and I feel a pinch in my neck instantly sending an uncomfortably cold liquid into my veins. The coldness turns to straight fire in a fraction of a second- sage. When my grip loosens, he lets go of my throat as my legs struggle to keep me standing. The sage weakening me with every passing second. He picks me up flinging me over his shoulder and walks with my body.

I look to Kellan, he yells something but I can't make it out with my senses taking a major blow with that amount of sage. Kellan breaks the neck of the vampire in front of him and sprints over. A second later I drop to the floor. The harsh concrete wakes me up a little bit, then the bloodied heart that falls to the floor in front of me wakes me up even more. I start to stand up turning to Kellan as he blocks the woman's attempt to stab him, taking the knife and driving it into her chest.

He hurries over to me helping me stand. "Are you alright?" His eyes wide and concerned looking me over for any damage to myself. His eyes fix on the blood staining my shirt from the cut across my body and anger floods them in an instant.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

He takes my arm. "We have to go."

"Where are the others?!" I yell, before he could run off with me.

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