Chapter 31: 117 Years

Start from the beginning

"How many times has he threatened you- it's nothing new."

"It's never just threats and you know that. I had to." I say once more.

"It's all nothing new. You didn't have to do anything. You didn't have to tell him every time we moved somewhere- although-" He motions to the phone. "Thanks for giving us a two month break not picking up his calls." His sardonic laughter tightens the knots in my stomach. "God you could've lied. You could've kept your damn mouth shut." He leans against the desk.

"I know you don't like him and-."

"I don't like the way he treats you!" He yells standing up straight from the desk. "He remembers you're a person when you're of use to him, then he goes right back to forgetting that you exist."

"I know!" I shout back.

"You know who he is, how he views you, yet you still trust in him. Why?"

"He's my father Dane. I know that doesn't mean much to you-."

"Fathers don't hurt their kids. He has never been a father to you when are you going to see that?" He stared at me furious, awaiting an answer but just I stand there stunned. "He was blatantly using you to try to kill Morgan."

I take the moment of shock to calm down from my ever increasing anxiety before I speak. "He hates Lucien probably more than half of us do, we're hiding her away from him why would he interfere with that to try to kill her?"

"We're hiding her, and we'll continue to do so- but wouldn't it be easier to take out a potential threat than to count on us indefinitely hiding her successfully from him?"

I pause. "Killing Lucien's kid would be an act of war."

"Hunters would've killed her. Not him." He seethes.

"Being apart of something like that, orchestrating her death would still be an act of war. Why would he risk that?" I question.

"Why would he risk Lucien getting his hands on a full blood?" He retorts.

I shake my head, he wouldn't. "No, he wouldn't work with hunters. And with Mercers people? He wouldn't-."

"Not everyone has good intentions Chloe." He cuts me off. "Especially him." He turns away from me dragging his hand over his face.

"He wouldn't-." I start.

"Why do you keep defending him?" He whips back around to me.

My hands resume their shaking after a short reprieve. "I'm not-."

"Yes you are! You're defending him, you're telling him shit that no one else aside from the people in this house was allowed to know." He raises his voice once more. He's never raised his voice like this with me, each shouted word feels like another blow to my system.

Immediately I get flustered. I lose my train of thought and can't seem to find words. "Dane I-" I try to get something out before my throat tightens on itself and tears threaten to fall from my eyes.

"Do you want his attention that badly that you'd completely fuck over the rest of us?! Fuck over Morgan?! She could have died Chloe." He points out instantly filling me with guilt. "Tell me, are you that fucking desperate?!" Veins are popping out of his neck now.

"Okay stop!" I yell wiping away my tears as if appearing more put together on the outside will make me feel more put together on the inside.

"A brilliant warrior with centuries worth of battle strategy in your head but when it involves him suddenly that's all gone." He murmurs. I feel his eyes on me, glaring daggers while I look down at my teardrops on the floor. He exhales exasperatedly, "I can't deal with this right now. We'll still go to Houston since she can't be killed anymore, your father can't do anything." He says starting to walk away from me. "You can call him, tell him we're coming and tell him she's no longer vulnerable so he can stop trying to kill her." He says with such contempt as he turns back around to me. I finally look up at him, blurry through the tears overtaking my eyes. "If he shows up and tries to do anything to Morgan. I'll track down his dagger myself and fucking kill him." He walks off once more.

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