Chapter 28: cake and vodka

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"What do you want?" Chloe asks.

"I can't eat it." I say, as a random woman brushes past us trying to get down the aisle. Her scent and the fact that I can see the pulse in her neck pulls my attention. My mouth waters, "Um..." I force myself to turn back to Chloe who's perusing the frosting shelves. "Whichever you want."

She bends down intently looking at each frosting. "I don't know. If you could eat it what would you get?"

"Anything really-."

"My God, we're getting vanilla." Victoria says, stepping forward and grabbing a vanilla frosting off the shelf. As she walks off, Chloe and I look at each other and laugh.

"Victoria we still need a hand mixer!" Chloe calls out. "And vodka!"

We successfully got through the grocery store and the liquor store. We got what we needed and Chloe distracted me with conversation and her bouncing so I wouldn't tear into anyones throat. The whole way back to the compound Chloe and I horribly sang along to whatever was on the radio, annoying Victoria throughout the car ride.

"Does it matter what kind of oil, theres only canola- is there a difference in oil? What even is canola?" I ask Chloe, looking through the cabinets and completely lacking knowledge when it comes to baking or cooking.

"I have no idea. I don't think it matters." She shrugs. I grab the canola oil bringing it over to her.

"I thought you were the cook shouldn't you know these things?" I say handing her the bottle.

"Cook, I don't really bake. That was more Danes thing."

I hop up onto the counter, sitting as Chloe makes the batter. "Dane bakes?"

"On rare occasion." She says pouring the oil into the bowl of the powdered cake, eggs, and water. She grabs the hand mixer we bought at the store and plugs it in.

"Can I have the mixer things when you're done?" Victoria asks.

"You want the cake batter?" I ask, a stupid smile forming on both mine and Chloe's face.

She shrugs. "It tastes good what do you want from me?" She says, taking a sip of her drink she poured for herself the second we came in here.

Chloe mixes the batter then hands Victoria the detached stirrers covered in cake batter while her and I fight back a laugh the entire time. "I'm going to punch the both of you." Victoria threatens but with both of her hands gripping the stirrers she couldn't have looked less threatening.

Before Chloe and I start cackling we turn around and get the cake in the oven. One thing I do enjoy about my enhanced senses is that things that were pleasant to them are even more pleasant now. The smell of this funfetti cake filling the kitchen- a couple of months ago would've smelled great but right now it's absolutely amazing. Makes me sad I can't really eat it.

When it's done Chloe takes the cake out of the oven to let it sit before frosting it. She turns to us panic-struck. "We didn't get candles." Chloe laments. "I can go get them quick." She says starting to walk out of the kitchen.

"It's fine." I reassure. "Don't worry."

"It'll be awkward singing with no candles."

"No." My eyes widen. "No singing happy birthday."

"Why?" She questions.

"I wasn't planning on it." Victoria says.

"Thank you." I say quickly. "Not a fan of it. I never know what to do, it's just too awkward."

"Okay fine." She says.

"When are we drinking?" I ask.

Victoria stands up and grabs the two handles of vodka we put into the freezer. "I vote for right now."

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