Chapter 25: bloodied knuckles

Start from the beginning

"Get out of my face." Morgan's tone was guttural and forceful. One I've never heard come out of her. I stop, standing at the end of the hall. Stepping back against the wall out of view as Kellan stomps out of the room slamming the door behind him. After everything I just heard I don't know whether to go after him and punch him in the throat or go comfort Morgan.

I start down the hall but given that Morgan's angrily breathing- I'll let her cool down.

I follow him into one of the den areas of the house but freeze when Grayson appears almost in a blur of speed. He grabs Kellans hands and squeezes down; the sound of several bones splintering and breaking in each hand startles me so I cover my mouth to muffle my shocked gasp. He slams him into the wall letting go of one of Kellans now shattered hands and seizes his throat. "What is wrong with you?" Kellan strains to ask while Grayson cuts off his air.

"I wasn't sure which hand you grabbed her with so I broke both just to be sure." He states.

"Fuck you." Kellan tries to yell. Grayson grips his throat even tighter and I see Kellans face turning bright red.

"I may not be able to kill you. But if you touch her again, I'll harm you in ways you couldn't dream of." Grayson says calm and collected. He holds Kellan there for a second or two before letting go. I sprint out of sight as Grayson walks away from Kellan who in the midst of gasping for air and trying to fix his hands, yells out curses in both English and Spanish.

I stand slack jawed as I process what I just witnessed. For Grayson that was... surprising to say the least. He did accomplish what I set out to do so I walk away with a shrug figuring I'll make myself some breakfast instead, leaving time for Morgan to settle down.

Post breakfast, I head down the hall to Morgans room, I don't hear any angered breathing so I'm hoping she's calmed down. I knock on the door. "Who is it?" Muffles through the door.


"Come in." She says. I open the door and slowly step into the room spotting Morgan sitting with her hugging her knees on the bed.

"Hey. Can we talk?" I say shutting the door behind me.

She closes her eyes and sighs. "Chloe, I love you." She opens her eyes. "But I already got a stern talking to by Kellan. I don't need another one I know I was being a degenerate and trashy and-."

"No, no. I'm not here to lecture you." I walk over to her. "I'm actually here to apologize." I say sitting down next to her on the bed.

The exasperation in her eyes gets replaced with a subtle shock. "For what?"

"For being lecture-y. I don't think you were being a degenerate or trashy. I... you know I have my own issues and I was making that your problem. You were probably having a fun night and you had control based on what I heard from Grayson and Victoria. Please tell me they weren't lying. They do that sometimes."

She chuckles, letting the shock wear off from expecting another scolding and receiving the opposite. "They weren't lying. I had some slight hiccups but Grayson was there to help pull me back."

"Grayson?" I question. Yet another surprising thing- preventing people from getting killed?

"Yeah. He was actually nice to me last night. He promised that he wouldn't let me get out of control- do anything I'd regret." She looks down and knits her eyebrows together with the last part of that sentence.

"What was that face?"

Her face scrunches. "Because I may have done something."

My eyes widen. "What did you do?" A thousand possibilities run through my mind.

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