𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚: xandar

Start from the beginning

Panic traveled out of Ava's chest and through her veins. Not sure how to respond to that. Ava wasn't going to kiss a man she just met that night. That was not like her.

"Just a friendly chat, that's all." Ava rolled her eyes and scanned through the skirts. Proud of herself for telling a portion of the truth and hoped that Gamora didn't see how close she got to Poe.

Gamora leaned on the rack and squinted at Ava. "Sure it was."

"Gamora! I don't have any feelings for a man I've only known for less than a week!" Ava expressed as she placed the hanger back.

Her friend came around the rack and took Ava's hand that was moving through hangers. Ava didn't budge and her gaze remained on the black t-shirt with the Xandar symbol on it.

"I never said you have to marry him or be his girlfriend." Gamora reassured, knowing she crossed the line with teasing. "Just keep trying to get along, at least for my sake at least. I already have to deal with Rocket and Peter."

Ava nodded. "I'll try."

"And if Poe ends up being a jerk about it, I'll handle it." Gamora sent her a wink as Ava laughed under her breath.

"Oh with your godslayer? I know you will."

Gamora returned a warm smile and grabbed Ava's arm. "Now you should try on that dress and see if you like it!"


"What kind of ship is that?" Poe asked and pointed at the weird space craft. It was a round structure with blasters on the back.

Peter followed his finger. "That is a Star Blaster, most of the Nova Corps use them when theres trouble. But get a bunch of them together and it can make a huge shield." He explained to Poe nodded.

"They helped us defeat Ronan." Peter added as if was common knowledge.

Poe furrowed his eyebrows. "Ronan? Who's Ronan?"

Peter chuckled. "Who's Ronan? That's a good one!" Then he saw how the man grew more confused.

"Oh wait you're serious."

Poe continued his blank face as he remembered this guy was Ava's brother.

"Just an angry jerk who tried using an Infinity Stone to destroy Xandar. Lucky for us, we stopped him." Peter explained briefly.

It became manageable to Poe that this Ronan guy was no different than the First Order. Both had the same motives to dominate the galaxy.

However, he was lost at the mention of what an Infinity Stone was. It must have contained so much power for it to be that big of a threat.

Poe turned to lean on his back and folded his arms. "So uh, was it hard for you to learn how to fly a ship?" He asked Starlord and nodded towards one taking off.

Peter shook head as he watched the aircraft ascend. "Nah, it wasn't too bad. I mean at first it was a little tricky at first. But I learned as fast as I could in order to attempt to escape the Ravengers since they kidnapped me when I was 8 years old."

Poe remebered Ava telling him about being separated from her brother. Except he didn't process that the two were that young.

On the other hand, Peter was reminded of the loss of his father figure and an ache formed inside his chest. Peter shrugged off the pain and cleared his throat.

"I'm on better terms with them now. What about you? How long have you been flying?"

"Being a resistance pilot runs in my family." Poe replied. "I started to learn as soon as I was old enough to."

Peter nodded in amusement. "Not bad. Tell me about the kind of ships you have."

The Rebel scoffed as he crossed his arms, looking up the Xandarian ships. "Definitely not like any of these. But the ones I usually fly is an X-wing or on occasion, the Millennium Falcon."

Starlord was curious and wanted to see those really bad but decided to not get too excited. It made him think of movies him and Ava used to watch.

"Hey guys!"

The two men looked over to see Ava and Gamora approaching them.

"You two have fun?" Ava asked sarcastically.

Peter nodded as he slapped Poe's back. "We sure did!" He piped causing Poe to scowl a little as Ava giggled at the gesture.

Gamora then grabbed Peter's hand, with their fingers interlocking. "I want to show you something." She said without much explanation as Peter looked at Ava with confusion.

She only winked as she knew Gamora wanted some time with him.

Ava was lost in her fangirl moment until Poe's hand waved in front of her face. Ava's eyes blinked a few times before she looked at Poe with no amusement.


"I've said you're name about 3 times." Poe explained, putting his hands on his hips.

"What do you want to do now?"

Ava let out a sigh. "We could head back to the house." She sugguested to avoid contention with him, to take some stress off of Gamora's shoulders. "Come on BB-8." She gestured the droid to follow her.

The droid obeyed and replied with the sweet little beeps.

Ava took about two steps before a sudden grip on her wrist, whipped her around to face Poe.

"What the-"

He pulled a little to hard as Ava crashed into him. She pushed him away immediately but was captivated by his gorgeous face leaving her stunned.

"Or we could explore more of Xandar." He urged with a smirk and raised eyebrow.

"We could." Ava said as she ripped his hand off and crossed her arms. Her eyes never leaving his. "But not if you cause any more issues today."

Poe scoffed. "Quit kidding darling." He bumped her arm with his playfully, causing a lump to rise in her throat.

"I haven't caused any issues! Right BB-8."

The droid shook it's head with the energy of someone who just did a facepalm.

Poe then realized the droid was referring to Ava's face that remained unamused. It wiped the grin off of the resistance pilot's mouth as he knew he triggered her yet again.

"You are causing issues if you keep calling me darling instead of using my real name." Ava said with a clever tone in her voice.

He rolled his eyes with a judging frown as his hands went to his hips, a common habit of his. "You always have to be so difficult. Don't you?"

"You're the one who's difficult because-"

"Look, dar-" Poe caught himself. "Ms. Quill. The day is still young and we have plenty of time to kill. So I say we walk around a bit till you're brother and his girlfriend are done with whatever they're doing, then we head back. Is that going to hurt?" He finished his request and waited for an answer.

Poe leaned in closer, his mouth coming next to her ear. "Besides, I was told yesterday of an expert who could show me the best places in the city." He whispered and emphasized the title as he backed away with the same smirk.

Ava felt weak and ready to melt to the floor like a snowman exposed to the sun. The feelings she had that previous evening, started to resurface. It was a crime for someone she just met to be so gorgeous.

"Oh she'll be happy to be you're guide. But don't cause any issues." Ava stated knowing it would be best for everyone. "So pretend that-"

"Pretend that we don't hate each other. Got it." Poe finished the sentence with a understanding nod. "Where to Ms. Quill."

The new nickname made her cringe, but it was a step up from darling, sweetheart or blondie. She let out a chuckle as she looked down at the ground to hide her blush.

She shook her head before she glanced back up at him.

"You'll see, Mr. Dameron." Ava smirked.

Without a thought, she grabbed his wrist and dragged him behind her.

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