49. Ruler of the Walls

Start from the beginning

"I find the idea questionable." Historia said, firmly, looking up at Erwin. "Do you think the people are so naive they'll accept me by my name alone?" She stood up.

"Do you have something else in mind?" Erwin asked. "I understand your reasoning. But, I can't give you permission to engage in the combat."

"Commander, please!" Historia pleaded, stepping forward. "I finally know what is it that I have to do! That's why I am here right now."

Erwin turned around. "Well I suppose... With the state my body is in, I can't exactly stop you, can I?"

"Huh?" Historia said.

"Fire!" Carsten ordered and wall cannons were fired at Rod titan who has so many holes in its body.

Eren was making the net, kneeling. 'Even if I managed to plug Wall Maria, will that be enough to save humanity?' He stopped his work and stood up. He walked towards the edge of the walls, looking at the houses. 'Sometimes, I wonder... How my life would have been if dad never had the titan powers... It had been a while since I lived a normal life...' He sighed. 'The ones really out of luck are the rest of humanity... Living their lives while we are burdened with responsibilities... They're stuck, pinning their hopes on me...'

He noticed four kids who were looking up at the walls.

"Hey..." Eren called out, grabbing Eren's attention. "Don't the kids down there in the city remind you..." Armin stood up and walked up to him. "Of us on that day years ago."

"Yeah..." Armin replied while Eren bent on his knees to make net. "Nobody down there experts a Titan taller than the wall to attack them." He returned to do his work. "They might end up seeing the same we did back then." He pulled a rope, making a knot. "But the difference this time..." He looked at Eren. "Is that soldiers stand prepared to face the Titan. We get to play that role."

"Yeah." Eren said, looking down. "But I don't think any preparation back then would have made any difference..."

Rod titan was now only a few metres away from the walls.

The soilders leaned the cannons towards the Rod titan's nape.

"Remember to lead the target!" Carsten ordered. "Focus all cannons on it's nape!"

Cannons were fired towards the Rod titan nape, making it stop.

"Good, the nape is exposed!" Carsten said. "Finish it with the next volley!"

Suddenly, hot steam arose from the Rod titan, forcing the soilders to cover their faces.

"It's hot!" Connie exclaimed, standing beside Sasha, covering his face.

"Shit, this isn't good." Levi said, covering his face. "The wind changed direction!"

"Captain! I can't see a thing!" A female soilder said, holding a cannon.

"Doesn't matter!" Carsten said, covering his face. "The target is directly below us! Fire again!"

The soilders blindly fired below them.

Then more steam arose, causing them to cough.

"Are we too late?" Erwin asked, looking down at the steam.

Suddenly, a massive hand arose from the steam. The rod titan grabbed the wall, cracking it. The broken pieces fell to the ground, breaking nearby houses.

The Rod titan lifted himself up, using the wall for support.

The children on the ground gasped at the sight above them.

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